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Introduction: Cigarettes were first introduced in the United States in the early 19th century. Before this, tobacco was used primarily in pipes and cigars, by chewing, and in snuff. Objective: The main objective of this study is to assess the knowledge on the consequence of Cigarette smoking among pregnant women attending ANC at the Molyko Health Centre. Methods: A cross sectional study design was used in the study.  A convenient sampling technique was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria. A sample size of 80 participants was used in the study and the main instrument of data collection was a structured questionnaire. Data was analysed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and presented on tables and chart.  Results: Overall, a majority (63%) of the participants had adequate knowledge on cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Regarding the associated risk factors of cigarette smoking during pregnancy, a larger proportion of the participants (95.00%) of the participants cited that cigarette during pregnancy can lead to low birth weight of the baby, (93.75%) of the participants cited lung cancer and (87.50%) cited spontaneous abortion as risk factors associated of cigarette smoking during pregnancy.  Regarding the consequences of cigarette smoking to the mother, majority (83.7%) of the participants cited hypertension. Regarding the consequences of cigarette Smoking to the foetus, majority (96.25%) of the participants cited that it can lead to malformation of some organs of the fetus. Conclusion and Recommendation: Findings from the study revealed that, majority of the participants had adequate knowledge on cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Low birth weight of the baby was the major risk associated with cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Majority of the participants cited hypertension and malformation of some organs of the foetus as major consequences of cigarette smoking to the mother and foetus respectively. Therefore, pregnant women should be sensitized by Health care workers on the effects of cigarette smoking during pregnancy.

Key words: Knowledge, cigarette smoking, risk factors, consequences




1.1 Background of the Study

Cigarettes were first introduced in the United States in the early 19th century. Before this, tobacco was used primarily in pipes and cigars, by chewing, and in snuff. By the time of the Civil War, cigarette use had become more popular. Federal tax was first imposed on cigarettes in 1864. Shortly afterwards, the development of the cigarette manufacturing industry led to their quickly becoming a major U.S. tobacco product. At the same time, the populist health reform movement led to early anti-smoking activity. From 1880–1920, this activity was largely motivated by moral and hygienic concerns rather than health issues. The milder flue-cured tobacco blends used in cigarettes during the early 20th century made the smoke easier to inhale and increased nicotine absorption into the bloodstream. During World War I, Army surgeons praised cigarettes for helping the wounded relax and easing their pain (2000 surgeons).

Tobacco was introduced in Africa  in the 16th century by the Turks who brought it in to Egypt The smoking habit of today’s Africans are governed by local custom and economic status Cigarette smoking replacing pipe (hookah) although the latter is still used particularly in rural areas .The prevalence of smoking is higher in urban than rural areas .Traditionally, only men smoked but the proportion of women smokers is now rising .Smoking is also increasing among African children and adolescenst .Data from examined in 6 African countries from which statistic was available .In all of them  it rose steepy between 1967-76 and actually doubled in Lybia and Ethopia .Nigeria increased from 10% to 30% between 1969-73, Tanzania increased output 7 fold between 1962-74 cigarette are highly promoted in Africa smoking-related diseases have already made their appearance in Africa . The common diseases associated with smoking are; lung cancer, esophageal tumors, bladder cancer, myocardial infarction and chronic bronchitis.(Ball 1982).

Cigarette and other  tobacco product use is increasing in Low middle income countries such as Cameroon ,In Cameroon , tobacco use is common in all forms including  chewing, sniffing ,and especially cigarette smoking .increasing numbers of women are using tobacco() .In 2003, in the Cameroon Burden  of diabetes  Baseline  survey overall 6.3% of the total population declared to be current smoker(CBD,2004).In addition, to active smoking, passive smoking is recurent ; nearly one-third of the total population said they were affected by second hand smoking ,in 1994,35.7%  of Cameroonians where exposed to it .The risk associated with tobacco smoking during pregnancy for both mother and child have been established( and include pregnancy complication (placental abruption, placenta  previa,  and poor fetal outcome (low birth weight, premature birth and overall perinatal mortality.(pinesles,2014)

1.2 Problem Statement

Cigarette use is one of the biggest threats to public health globally. (CDC 2004) the harm caused by smoking during pregnancy have been well documented in research and increases the risk of perinatal, mortality and morbidity such as miscarriage, premature birth and low weight (Bada 2005) smoking during pregnancy is also associated with a higher risk of respiratory infection such as asthma and Bronchitis in the infant which is exacerbated by materials and smoking during infancy (Sobhy, 2017). Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a proven predictor of asthma and wheeze in children. Thus this research is to assess the knowledge on the consequences of cigarette, smoking on pregnancy among women attending ANC at the Molyko Health Centre.

1.3 Rational of the Study

This research was chosen as to outline the consequences of cigarette smoking on pregnancy such as low birth weight miscarriage and preterm delivery. And in other to bring out possible


options on how these consequences can be avoided such as total abstinence from cigarette smoking during pregnancy.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What knowledge do pregnant women have attending ANC on cigarette smoking during Pregnancy?
  2. What are the associated risk factors of cigarette smoking on pregnancy?
  3. What are the consequences of cigarette smoking on pregnancy?

1.5 Objective of Study

1.5.1 General Objectives

The main objective of this study is to assess the knowledge on the consequence of Cigarette smoking among pregnant women attending ANC at the Molyko Health Centre.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

  • To find out the knowledge of cigarette smoking on pregnancy among pregnant women attending ANC in the Molyko Health Centre.
  • To identify the associated risk factor of cigarette smoking on pregnancy among women. Attending ANC at the Molyko Health Centre.
  • To find out the consequences of cigarette smoking on pregnancy among women attending ANC in the Molyko Health Centre
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