Project Details
Department | NURSING |
Project ID | NU214 |
Price | 10000XAF |
International: $20 | |
No of pages | 50 |
Instruments/method | Quantitative |
Reference | YES |
Analytical tool | DESCRIPTIVE |
Format | MS Word & PDF |
Chapters | 1-5 |
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Nowadays with the evolution of technology, the use of electronic devices has become more rampant in the whole world due to the widespread of the internet and has taking the rise among university students. However the purpose of this study was to bring out the impact of these electronics on students mainly in Biaka University Institute of Buea. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted over a period of four months, from December 2020 to March 2021 in Biaka University Institute of Buea. The age range considered was 19-30 years both male and female. Sampling was consecutive including all BIAKA students who met the inclusion criteria. The data was collected through questionnaire based on student’s knowledge on electronics, the impact of electronics have on students and the challenges students face with the use of devices. The data was then analyzed using excel on a descriptive statistic.
A total of 100 students was sampled; 20-30 age group was the majority out of 100 participants (72.0%). The most represented participants were Christian by faith (75.0%), level of education was level 200 (45.0%). Upon assessment only 44.o% knew the exact definition of electronics and majority (81.0%) had an idea of what computer vision syndrome was all about. 90.0% of students owned an electronic device and 41.0% had smartphones 26% had laptop and most 80.0% students used their device for social networking. Most students used their devices everyday 64.0% and 57% of them used those at bed time.40% of students used their devices to better academic purposes and 42% complained of having headache and eyestrain and even neck and back pain after or during the usage. Of 100 participants 65% greed that smartphones and other devices accounted for 50% eye pathologies. The most challenges students face with use of electronics were lack of finance and poor network connection 80%.
1.0 Introduction
Electronic gadgets are appliances which work on technology or electronic technology and make work easy and protective (“Cambridge English Dictionary”). Electronic gadgets such as computers, laptops and mobile phones used in teaching and learning activities have both constructive and destructive effects on academic environment affecting students in the university milieu Castie Watson, 2018 (“Advantages and disadvantages of electronic”). These same electronics have a while range in impacting social life and health status of students such as visual impairment, neck and back pain, changes in habitual postures and frequent use of these same devices holding them spend most of their time on social media; GS Sarla, 2019 (“Excessive use of electronic gadgets”). In globalization era like nowadays where science and technology are accelerating in competition especially in business and job seeking, force individual to master more skills and in students one of the most important skills they mastered while using electronics is (“learning”).
Dian Lutfiani in his previous research on (“the use of gadget on student’s study habit”) published in (2018) brought out a typical aspect of academic purpose where he defined learning as a process that an individual gets suitable input to improve his knowledge. This idea therefore give more clearance on the frequent use of electronics among students. This study aims to identify the impact of electronics on students. I there by focus my study on one health institution in the BUEA municipality (Biaka University Institute of Buea). The use of electronics sets off a chain of actions and reactions within education system among which some are intentional and others unintentional which affect the process of learning consequently, disruption of lectures in a class room , halls and even in the normal reading rooms. F. Mariam article published in December 2018 on the (“the effect in cognitive ,affective and behavior of using electronics among university students “), explains that the use of technology has become a common issue these days in such that access to information increases the awareness of students , help them in increasing knowledge and creativity in achieving their learning tasks provide quick access to subject material and engage them in adopting strategies which can help in maximizing the quality of education.
This process can become very rich if students have access to latest information’s on subject, can analyze the information quickly by manipulating through the above listed electronics then display an experiment with the information to effectively communicate their results and conclusions using technical tools. On the other hand these tools such as mobile phones and laptops can contribute in the total distraction of lectures if handle poorly . Smartphones distract students because of the problem of ringing during classes, use in cheating during assessment multi-tasking by students and use of camera in the hall which could lead to privacy issues. Similarly to laptops and computers can be used for instant messaging and using Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram etc. watching movies or videos not relevant to class room topics and distracting other students which therefore bring a serious impact on both their socio-educational and health status.
1.1 Background
In the ancient time education was mostly based on the traditional methods of teaching and learning abilities which were the normal use of white chalk on the blackboard and students were copying note normally from the board to their exercise books and using text books or visiting the library to do their assignments. During that period technology was introduce only to wealthy families who were able to afford electronics devices to enhance their learning abilities. The majority of the population used their normal method to study and do their assignments. For over five decades, educators have known that electronic devices are essential elements of education in business (American Accounting Association, 1960). Transistor radios gave way to portable audio cassette players (e.g. the Sony Walkman) which subsequently gave way to today’s MP3 player (e.g. the APPLE iPod). Laptop and netbook computers have made computer technology more affordable for today’s students. Bully paper date books, address books and scheduling calendars have been replaced by personal digital assistants (PADs) and cell phones have been ubiquitous on college campuses for at least a decade (Arizona State University ,2000). So-called “smart phones” function not only as cell phones but also offers MP3, laptop and PDA features in one device. Today there is no doubt that electronic devices are common-place across all university campuses. But should the use of these electronic devices be common-place on campus? If so what impact do they have on students? This research seeks to search more light on this question.
Today, there is a potential in the use of electronic gadgets especially for teaching and learning, because electronic gadgets are very popular among the younger generation and students in particular. There is a research stating that more students have electronic gadgets. Electronic gadgets can be used for many things, including instant messaging, social media, playing online games, sending an email and general communications. Therefore, they can now be considered important for personal and working life.
Many research on electronics affecting university students went further to prove how effective these are to them and some demonstrated how they can rather impact their lives negatively. Carbonilla Gorra, in his study on: (” perception of students on the use of technology in a classroom at higher education institution in Philippine”) in 2016 found out that, some university students use these devices to make good assessment like downloading documents related to their studies while some use them to play video games and watching immoral images that distract them from achieving their educational tasks. The measure to academic achievement with the use of electronics ranges from cognitive to psychological and to social scales. In my own point of view, if parents and lecturers believe the different levels at which electronics contribute in the total damage of student performance and accept the negative effect they bring to the social life and health status, university students could have adopted good ways and techniques of proper use of electronics throughout their academic journey without impacting any aspect of their training talk less to that of their health.
In Cameroon, the use of electronic devices (phones and laptops) is mostly observed in the university area where students devote much time interacting with their devices by chatting on the vibes, twitter, Facebook, instant messages (yahoo messenger) outside the class Franklin Tchakounte (“University of Ngaoundere ..2020”). In addition to this, there is a high tendency of the students to interact with their phones in class in the cause of lectures either to respond to received messages or to browse to the internet. These maybe taking a heavy toll on the level of concentration devoted to lectures. Project- (“the effects of the proliferation of smart phones on students in the University of Buea”)
1.2 Problem Statement
The use of electronics sets off a chain of actions and reactions within education system among which some are intentional and others unintentional which affect the process of learning consequently, disruption of lectures in a class room , halls and even in the normal reading rooms. The internet is today the most Problem amongst youths that among all going university student in the health institutions in Buea, most of the students do not know the proper manipulation of electronics be it in the given place, time and when to use them. These students also face major health problems such as visual impairment which can be observed among university students especially Biaka University Institute Of Buea and ¼ of them owning an electronic device must wear lenses or complain of neck and back pain and other health related issue. This also called my attention in the sense that most students on campus owning an electronic device especially an Android phone spend most their time on it and by the moment which they don’t seem to get it beside them they turn to become disturbed psychologically which therefore lead them to an acute mental illness. All these prompted me to carry out a research on “The impacts of commonly used electronics among students in Biaka University Institute of Buea”.
1.3 Main Research Question
- What impact do electronics have on University students?
1.3.1 Specific research questions
- What knowledge do students have on electronic gadgets?
- What are the impacts of electronic gadgets among university students?
- What are the challenges faced in the use of electronics amongst University students?