Research Key

Workplace environment and its impact on employee performance in tertiary institutions in Cameroon: the case of higher institute of professional studies (HIPS) Buea

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Page excerpt

The work environment which encompasses several factors impacts on the way the employees perform their work. A comfortable and all-inclusive workplace environment will boost the employees’ performance hence boosting the organizational performance. 

The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of workplace environment on employee performance in private university the case of Higher Institute of Professional Studies (HIPs).


The work environment which encompasses several factors impacts on the way the employees perform their work. A comfortable and all-inclusive workplace environment will boost the employees’ performance hence boosting the organizational performance. 

The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of workplace environment on employee performance in private university the case of Higher Institute of Professional Studies (HIPs). In order to achieved this study objective, simple random sampling techniques was used to sample 30 staffs from the HIPs university by means of a structure questionnaire.

Collected data was checked, coded, inputted and analysed in SPSS (21.0) where descriptive statistics, correlation and regression test was carried out to check the relationship that exists between variables.

The results of this study revealed that physical working environment, psychosocial working environment and work life balance have an effect on employee performance in Higher Institute of Professional Studies.

Based on the regression analysis, it was found the psychosocial working environment (t-value=8.5579) was the factor that had the highest effect on the performance of employees in HIPs followed by the physical working environment.

From the study findings, it was concluded that for an organisation to have a competitive edge over others, it must provide a positive work environment in which all factors that influence employee performance are in tandem with their obligation. Thus, it was recommended that managers should also be counseled on their relationships with their subordinates. 



This work focuses on addressing the following research hypothesis;   

H0₁: Physical working environment has a significant effect on staffs’ performance in HIPS University.

H0₂: Psychosocial working environment has a significant effect on staff’s performance in HIPS University.

H0₃: Work-life balance has a significant effect on the staff’s performance in HIPS University

Significant of the study

The study at its completion will benefit the academic institutions, employees and the organisation as a whole. The primary concern of the study is to understand that work environment which is thought to be a very important influence on employees’ performance in the organisation.

It is also anticipated that the findings of the study will pave the way for the authorities of the organisation to accept the variables that affect the employee’s work environment and their performance in the organisation.

This study will produce information on the relationship between working environment and employee performance in private universities that will be used to understand how the performance of employees in the private sector can be influenced by their working environment.

This research can also be used to create awareness to the private sector of some of the environmental factors at their workplace that need immediate attention in order to get the best out of employees

Likewise, the research at the end will also help employee’s air out their grievances to the organisation and authorities. In more perspective view, the outcome of the research will be used to alert the management of HIPS University of employee’s level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with reference to specific environmental features.  

It will also serve as background information for future research of the same topic and as a blueprint for determining the actual work environment on employee’s performance in an organisation.

 Definition of terms

For the purpose of this study:

Performance is considered as the Composite of the four elements namely availability, productivity, competences and responsiveness of employees. Improvement of these four elements indicates improved performance.

Productivity is defined as the relationship between outcomes and human resource input measured by the employees’ workload.

The working environment is considered as the composite of the two components; physical and behavioural. The physical environment consists of elements that relate to the office occupiers‟ ability to physically connect with their office environment. The behavioural environment consists of components that relate to how well the office occupiers connect with each other.

The office layout is considered as the way office is arranged measured by the presence of privacy.

Availability refers to as the presence of workers measured by the presence of their provider in his place of work as well as the availability of working tools.

Organisation of the study

This research work was divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter called the introduction, covers the background of to the study, statement of the problems, objectives, research questions, significant and definition of terms. The second chapter called literature review, covered aspects of conceptual framework, theories and empirical reviews of other researchers.

The next chapter called research methodology, covered the research design, sample and sampling techniques, methods of data collection and analysis. Result and discussion is the next chapter that covered the findings of the study. Finally, chapter five covered the conclusion and recommendations and areas of further research.

Further reading


The effect of E-commerce on the performance of Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Cameroon. The Case of Njieforbi company Ltd Buea

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