Research Key

The Society Influence on Student Performance in Mathematics

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Educational Pyschology
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International: $20
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Analytical tool

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The purpose of this study is how the society influences student performance in mathematics. The four research objectives are; to determine whether teacher‟s qualification influence students‟ performance in Mathematics, the teachers and students attitude towards Mathematics and availability of Resources. The study adopted descriptive survey design and targeted 26 Principals, 45 Mathematics teachers and 192 students from; GBHS Etoug- Ebe Yaounde VI sub division, GBHS Muyuka, and GBHS Limbe.

Simple random sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Data was collected by use of questionnaire and analyzed by use of descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that non-availability and inadequacy of teaching and learning resources hampered performance in mathematics. Research findings also showed that the teaching methodologies influence performance as well. Findings on the influence of learners attitude in Mathematics revealed that learners had positive attitude towards the subject based on the findings. The study recommended that further study be undertaken in both public and private schools in Cameroon, the factors that influence poor performance in Mathematics should also be researched. The ministry of education should invest in providing Teaching/learning resources for the study of mathematics.



1.1 Background of the study

Mathematics has been recognized as an important area of learning aimed at driving economies and technological transformation of any society. Therefore, the promotion of the subject is of paramount importance to the development of human kind. Mathematics is an embodiment of knowledge, skills and procedures that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to describe, illustrate and interpret, predict, explain patterns and relationships in numbers in order to convey and clarify meaning of various issues in life (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2005). Developed nations seem to have very strong Mathematics policies which have propelled them to higher heights of development. It appears that no country has attained any breakthrough in its economic development without the development of minimum Mathematics base. However, in their advancement in these area schools are faced with the challenge of performance (Carroll, 2011).

The Society has underscored the importance of Mathematics literacy in educational institutions. Having recognized the role of Mathematics in national development, the Society has made Mathematics compulsory in primary and secondary schools. As such, students‟ performance in Mathematics is of great concern to education stakeholders. Despite the important role that Mathematics plays in society, there has always been the challenge of performance in mathematics. This calls for urgent need to address the problem in schools. Various studies and reports have identified some of the causes that influence the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Some of the factors brought out include student and teacher perception of the subject, culture, facilities and equipment.

Most pronounced factor that influence teaching and learning of mathematics is attitude, which as a concept is concerned with an individual‟s way of thinking, acting and behaving. Moreover, it has very serious implications for the learner, the teacher, the immediate social group with which the individual learner relates and the entire school system. Attitudes are formed as a result of some kind of learning experiences and may also be learned simply by following the examples or opinion of teachers, parents and learning situation.

Facilities and resources are critical in the performance of Mathematics. Teachers, books, geometrical sets, classrooms, furniture are very critical in terms of motivating performance. This hence out to be looked into objectively. There has been public outcry on the mean

scores of mathematics every time the results ar released The low scores has been a trend despite the fact that review of the subject was done in the new syllabus. This has been a major challenged in many schools in our society today including Cameroon the case in point is the analysis of three different schools in Cameroon. they include; GBHS Etoug- Ebe Yaounde VI sub division, GBHS Muyuka, and GBHS Limbe.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Various factors influence the teaching and learning of Mathematics in our society. Over the past years, the performance of mathematics in major schools has been on a steady growth in performance but still lagging behind. This therefore raises queries as to what factors are making the poor performances in Mathematics. This study therefore seeks to establish factors influencing performance in Mathematics in the society

1.3 Research question

How does the society influence student performance in mathematics?

1.4 specific research question

 How does teachers in-service training influence students‟ performance in Mathematics?

 How does teacher‟s attitudes influence students‟ performance in Mathematics?

 How does student‟s attitude influence their performance in Mathematics?

 how does the availability of requisite resources at the disposal of students and teachers influenced performance in Mathematics?

1.5 Objectives of the Study

1.5.1 Main objective

The main objective is to look at how the society influence on student performance in mathematics

1.6 Specific objectives

  1. To determine whether teacher‟s qualification influence students‟ performance in Mathematics
  2. To find out whether the teachers attitude influences students‟ performance in mathematics


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