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This research work focused on the role of the government and media conflict in war: a case of the Anglophone crisis. The study aimed at finding out if the media in Buea has used its agenda for conflict resolution. Survey method was adopted and the instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. The researcher cited a population of 76 journalists out of which 68 were sampled. Out of the 68 questionnaires distributed, 68 were collected back. Data collected was analyzed in tables and simple percentages and bar charts. The researcher found out that the media in Buea has contributed to conflict resolution though some journalist cultural and political challenges when reporting the crises situation. The conclusion of the study was that the media in Buea has positively contributed to conflict resolution in the crises situation. The study recommended that peace journalism should be thought as a course on its own in journalism schools and workshops should be organized to educate especially citizen journalist on news value



This chapter consists of the idea behind the study, the background of the study, the research question, hypothesis and assumptions of the study, the objectives of the research that is both general and specific objectives. The chapter also carries the scope of the study definition of terms and the significance of the study to the society. Information they say is power, deducing from this assertion, it is logical to posit that the effect of the media messages in time conflict should not be taken for granted.

1.1Background to the study

The ongoing Crisis in the North West and Southwest regions of Cameroon is causing a lot of misery to the citizens in terms of loss of property, life and even hardship to the Cameroon Government. From 2016, the Crisis has been one of the biggest crises that the county has experience since the end of the Second World War in Cameroon. This crisis has also affected most of the towns, villages and cities as some people have fled and became refugees or internally displaced persons.

Conflict generally has a significant negative impact on the society. This is because negatively impact on economic activities as well as destruction of lives and properties and creating an atmosphere of general insecurity. Conflict have a substantial negative impact on the society. Suffice it to say that the media have a role to play in resolving conflict and conflict itself are capable of retarding growth and development, it follows logically that media reports on conflict

should be solution-based[1]. That is say the media most embrace peace journalism. In the opinion of peace journalism is when editors and reporters make choices of what to report and how to report it that create opportunities for society at large to consider and value non-violent responses to conflict.’

The media have a critical role to play in conflict situations. In any conflict, even if it is war, the media has a role to play corroborates that the media are critical stake holders in conflict situations.. Initiating coverage, inadequate reporting, none reporting etc, while conflict can be resolved and managed by the mass media through objective, balanced, adequate, non-sensational and surveillance reportage [2]. News frame is one of such strategies that reporters and editors use for conflict resolution. Ehnic and political relations are framed using what he describes as scale which reveals the difference between different actors in Southern Kaduna[3].

Media framing of conflict is worth investigating because the type of frames which the media use in reporting conflict could either help in combating or aggravate the conflict situation.. The media also make us of agenda setting and also the two-step flow process of information The media has proved itself in conflict resolution by organizing peace discussions, reporting more on peace keeping especially the national channel (CRTV).[4] In as much as the media is trying its

possible best in promoting peace and conflict resolution, the media also has the responsibility to inform the public of what is happening in the society thus the media will have to report conflict.

The media plays a significant role in conflict resolutions by our understanding of media role in shaping opinion and attitude is limited. Their study tested that the media have the capacity to convey a particular set of beliefs (this case, beliefs and prejudice reduction, violence prevention and trauma healing) and the media also have the capacity to impact the perception of the audience.

Withholding information will only make the public restless and anxious and they will feel that they are being manipulated upon. The public in conflict affected area have the right to get updates about the crises and possible solutions and during this period, the media should not hide away from the public when it concerns matter of the conflict but the media is expected to rather stand by them and seeking possible solutions. For example, the government may decide to use a press conference and the media in its conflict resolution quest airs the press conference so other citizens can benefit. The media can support the government and organization to solve conflict by convincing and controlling the minds of the audience[5] The media sets out different kinds of agenda one of which we have peace and without peace or in the absence of peace, the society will not witness developments such as political development, social, economic development and even educational development which can even cripple the economy of a country. When political institutions like legislature, executive and political parties are not capable of sorting out their differences, it can result to crises and war and this is evident in the case of the crises in the North West and South West Region of Cameroon[6].

1.2Statement of problem

The South West Region of Cameroon was noted for the high production of cash crops such as cocoa, banana and rubber. The coming of the socio-political crisis in 2016 has had devastating effects on the economic activities in this region and also on education. Lives and properties lost and some people rendered homeless. The media as a powerful tool has been blamed for promoting conflict and propaganda especially the private media. However, in recent days, the media has been putting tremendous efforts to promote peace falls. This study thus seeks to evaluate media’s role in conflict resolution. Both state and private media have taken upon themselves to promote conflict resolution. It is for this reason that the researcher wants to find out how the editorial line is used to promote conflict resolution through the Cameroon Anglophone crisis in Buea, Cameroon.

1.3Research questions

Main research question: what role does the mass media play in resolving conflict?

  • To what extent does peace journalism as a crisis communication strategy contribute to conflict resolution in Buea?

  • To what extent are sensational media messages responsible for the escalation of the Anglophone Crisis

  • Do the media objectively carry out reports on crisis related issues?

  • Do the media face challenges in practicing peace journalism?


  • The mass media plays a significant role in conflict resolution in Buea.

  • Sentimental messages significantly help to escalate the Anglophone crisis.

  • The media is objective in its report of crisis related issues.

1.5General objective

  • To deepen the understanding of Mass media agenda in resolving conflict in the case of Buea.

1.5.1Specific Objective

  • To change public perception that in as much as the media contributed massively to promoting conflict with the crises in Buea, the media of recent has been setting a peaceful agenda.

1.5.2Objectives of the study

  • To discover is the media in Buea have been setting agenda for peace.
  • To find out the role of media in the reduction of conflict
  • To understand the importance of media in conflict resolution


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