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A company is expected to maintain adequate stock of materials for a continuous supply of raw materials to the factory for an interrupted production. It is not possible for accompany to procedures raw materials wherever it is needed and more so, finished goods manufactured by the company be sold at the same time. A time log exists between demand for materials and it supply.

The procurement of materials may be delayed because of some factor such as strike, transport, description and short supply e.t.c. Therefore, there is a need for a firm to maintain sufficient stock of raw materials at a given time to stream-line production. To maintain the concept and conservation of accounts the continuity of existence to adequate raw materials supply and materiality conservation in raw materials for economic purpose.

In managing inventory the firm objective should be constant with wealth maximum principle. To obtain or achieve this, the firm should be determining it optimum level of inventory. Sufficient inventory should be maintained neither excessive or in adequate.

The control of inventory and management of stock house in common with the other major branches of commercials and industrial work become specialist activities.

The store should be considered as a temporary location for materials needed for operation purpose and should be planed, organized and operate in such a way that the period of residence of each stock items is as short as possible, consist once with economic operational the only good. Reason for caring materials simply money sitting on a shelf, requiring pure money to be sent on its custody.

In general, if demand is steady or highly predictable we should store for very shorts period if at all when demand is highly unpredictable them storage for longer periods may be necessitated.

There is no standard system of store keeping which can be universally recommended or applied but in the course of time, certain principle and practice of move less general application have been involve large sum of money of involved and it is essential to organized the stock management function so that the investment is kept to the maximum.

From the stores points of view the most important thing is to keep quantities of economy goods in the appropriate and respective position and necessary record and transportation follows immediately shortage must be avoided or else production line will have to stop.

At the same time too much must not be delivered or it will close up the warehouse and perhaps also the production areas, apart from the fact excess delivers will tie up move capital.

It is well known that most materials will deteriorate in store in the course of time and the fact that a building is provided for storage is in itself and acknowledge that some degree or production is required.

Stock are general term describing goods, which are held in storehouse and stockyards. The bulk of those goods is usually needed for these in connection with production or operating activity but the expression “Stock” also course finished product awaiting dispatch to customers, scraps and package held sending to suppliers.

The store an important role in advisory on the quality of items to be stocked, provisioning and disposal of obsolete materials.

The store objectives of store function are:-

  • To make available a balance flow of raw materials, component tools equipment and any other commodities necessary to meet operation requirements.
  • To provide maintenance materials, spares and general storage of commodities in existence.
  • To receive and issue work-in progress and finished product. Production is not completed until it reach final consumers.
  • To accept and store scrap and other discarded materials as it arises.

For the efficient operation of the store system and for the achievement of the stated objectives. It is necessary for organization to have story stock control procedures. A great attention should be focused on the operation of the stores because of the general scarcity of materials, the higher cost of materials and equipments.

The rationable behind stock or inventory management or store function involved:-

  • What to keep in store
  • When to order those things
  • What quality of them to order

Inmost factories store some very expensive items as well as some very cheap one, and use some perhaps once in a year. (In deciding what to store) while order may be required at a rate of nudged in a day. In deciding what to store, unit cost, rate of usage, lead-time deterioration obsolesce, stock facilities and capital must be taken the nature and needs of the organization it’s intended to save.


            The study is aimed at finding out the following problem 3m facing manufacturing industries with particular reference to stock taking.

  • Have industry effectively verify the accuracy of store record.
  • Have the industry compare the balance sheet record with physical verification.
  • Have the industry median attempt to disclose the possibility of fraud.

According to the cook and Campbell (1979) statistical conclusion validity refer to about whether it is reasonable to presume conversation given a specific alpha level and the obtained variance. 


Once it has been determined that the two variable (A and B) are related, the next issue to be determined is of causality. Does a cause B? if a study is lacking internal validity, one can not make cause and effect statement based on the research.


            A good construct validity means the we will be relatively sure that construct A is related to construct B and that this is possible to construct a casual relationship.


External validity addresses the issue of being able to generalized the result of your study to other times, place, and person. For example if you conduct a study looking at heart disease in men, can the result be generalized to women? Therefore, one need to ask and “yes” therefore the external validity of the study is threatened.

1.3      objective of the study

The research like others is carried out in order to achieve some objective such as:-

  • The identify problem associated with caring out effective inventory management or store functions.
  • To ascertain the problem of effective and efficiently handling of stock.
  • To forecast all the possibility of fraud occasional by thief/loss (analysed the problem and prevent loss).
  • To resolve the level of stock to be added when inventory should be replenished.
  • Order quality problem i.e. colour, brand, size etc.


            The research methodology is when a described the how it can be gathered the information method of the processing of collection of terms for research the data may be collected for either theoretical or practical, and the research methodology is that of the validity.  


            An a validity is like when a individual ask is this valid? It is the questioning the latest once aspect of the study. There are four types of validity that can be discoursed in relation of research and statistics. Once must be specific as to which type of validity is under discussion.

  1. Statistical conclusion validity without a background of basic statistics.
  2. Identify the effectiveness and efficiency of the stock through the stock management skill or techniques.


            This study will enable the management of an organization to the following.

  1. Identify and pay attention to their role in ensuring smooth stick management so as to achieve the corporation goal and objective of the company.
  2. Have they revealed any weakness in the system for the custody and control of stock.
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