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The role of Non-governmental organizations in the promotion of good governance in Buea

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Non-governmental organizations have contributed to good governance in Buea but in a way have been destabilizes by many factors like corruption, limited resources for implementation of government and NGO,s programmes ,for promoting good governance, such problems have hindered NGO,s to attain good governance but measures can be put in place to remedy the situation. The objective of the study is to find out the role NGO,s play in the promotion of good governance in Buea local communities, with a targeted population of 100 people of which a random sampling technique was used to accomplish this , equally a sample size of 100 people using questionnaires to carry out research using both descriptive and inferential data analysis with of course a mechanical processing of data .And my findings were based on how to find out the role NGO,s play in the promotion of good governance in Buea local communities, Also to find out ways NGO,s could use to promote good governance in local communities Buea ,and lastly to establish difficulties they face in the role NGO,s play in the promotion of good governance in the local communities of Buea



Non -governmental organizations are now recognise as the key third sector actors on the land spaces of development, human rights, humanitarian action, Environment and many other areas of public actions and promoting good governance from post -2004 tsunamis reconstruction effects Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Sri Lankan, to the 2005 poverty, History campaign for aid and trade reform and developing country debt cancellation. As these two examples illustrate, NGOs are best known for two different. But often interrelated types of an activity. The delivery of services to people in need and organization of policy advocacy and public campaign in pursuit of social transformation. NGOs are also a active in a wide range of other specialized roles such as Democracy building , conflict resolutions ,human right work , cultural preservation , environmental activism ,policy analysis , research ,and information provision .This chapter mainly confines itself to a discussion of NGO,s In the international development context ,but much of its argument also applied to NGO,s more widely .
More so, we can’t move ahead without giving an introduction of the term “Good Governance”. Recently the terms governance and good governance are being increasingly regarded as used in development of literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root cause of all evil within our societies. Major donors and international financial institutions are increasingly basing their loans on the condition that reforms that ensure good governance are undertaken .This seeks to explain distinctly what governance and good governance mean
In continuation, .The concept Governance is not new .It is an old human civilization, simply put” Governance” means the process of decision by which the decisions are implemented or not implemented. Governance can be used in several context such as cooperate governance, international governance, national governance, local governance. Equally Government is one of the actors of governance, other actors involved in governance vary depending on the level of the government that is under discussion .In rural areas for example other actors may include influential landlords, association of present farmers, cooperatives, NGOs research institutes , religious leaders ,finance institutions , religious leaders , finance institute political parties ,the military etc. The situation in urban areas is such more complex.FIgure1. Provides the interconnection between actors involved in urban governance. At the national level, that is to say in addition to the ahbore actors ,media lobbyist, international donors ,multinational co-operation etc may play a role in decision making or in , influencing decision making process. 

In the same line Good governance has diverse definition. According to the United Nations development programme good governance refers to governing systems which are capable, responsive, inclusive, and transparent. All countries developed and developing, need to work continuously towards better governance and to the UNDP Good or Democratic governance, entails meaningful and inductive political participation, improving governance should include more people. Having more of a say in the decision s which shapes live. Remarkd given by (HELEN Clark’s) administrator of the UNDP, at the fourth United. Nations conference on the least developed countries high level of interactive Thematic Debate on good governance at all levels (instanbull, 11 may 2011).

Again, on this very definition of Good governance the United Nations stipulated that ,In the community of Nations , governance is considered good and democratic to the degree in which a country’s institution and process are transparent .It’s institution refer to such bodies as parliament and it’s various countries. In processes include such key activities as elections and legal procedures which must be seen to be free of corruption and accountable to the people. A country’s success in achieving this standard has become a key measure of it credibility and respect in the world. Equally good governance promotes equity, participation, pluralism, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, in a manner that is effective, efficient and enduring in translating these elections. Representatives , legislatures that make laws and provides oversight and an independent judiciary to interpreted those laws .But the UN equally says the highest threat to good governance came from corruption, violence ,and poverty all of which undermine transparency , security , participation and fundamental freedoms .

From the above analysis, we could conclude or say that NGOs need efficient factors which could help in attaining, if not a complete promoting of good governance, but could be well weapon to achieve good governance.

1.5) Statement of the problem

Non-Governmental Organizations are present today in almost every continent, countries and district. In Buea ,NGO,S have contributed in the promotion good governance but in a way has been destabilized by many factors such as corruption, unemployment, weak government policies, poor infrastructure, un political environment, environmental hazards, limited resources for implementation of both government and NGO programmes for the promoting of good governance. However, such problems have hindered NGOS to fully achieve these good governance.. Therefore there is a need to put up measures to curb to those challenges so as to ease the promotion of good governance ,hence this has made my topic of research study to assess the role of NGOS I’m the promoting of good governance .
1.5.2) Objectives of the study

General objective
The major objective of the study is to find out the role of NGO,s in the promotion of good governance in local community in Buea.
Specific objectives
(i) To find out the role of NGOs in the promotion of good governance in local communities in Buea.
(ii) To find out the ways NGO,s could use to promote good governance in local communities in Buea in local communities.


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