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Community Development is an approach aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. The approach for improvement can be aimed through a number of ways and organizations which includes, The Government and Non Governmental Organizations NGOs. Non Governmental Organizations are private organizations that persue activities to reduce suffering, promote the interest of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services or undertake community development. This paper discusses the role and contributions of NGOs towards development in Buea. NGOs have several projects, programs and roles which support people to bring development to communities. In addition, NGOs mobilise the communities to be self dependent. The study includes questionaires. The study helps the communities to find out their own problems and solve them according to their own local resources. Recommendations made as to the best practices of community development programs for NGOs to improve the living standards of the people in Buea.



1.1 Background to the study

In the last decade, Non-Governmental Organizations {NGOs} have gained increased attention among scholars and practitioners of development. They become increasingly important agents of development process in the countries of the south {underdeveloped countries}, in all their main areas of work such as Humanitarian relief, long term development, policy formation and political advocacy {ATTACK 1999}. On the other hand, there’s a current view that NGOs constitute a variable alternative to government as channels of development assistance, particularly in the developing countries. Some of the NGOs’ functions and advantages, according to {STREETE 1997} are:

    1 They are good at reaching and mobilizing the poor and remote communities.

     2 They help empower poor people to gain control of their lives and they work with and strengthen local institution.

    3 They carryout projects at lower costs and more efficiently than government agencies and

    4 They promote sustainable development.

In the present millennium Non-Governmental Organizations are voluntary clubs, societies and associations or groups of people within the society or community that come together to achieve certain objectives {United Nations 1990} They may have similar identities and share some needs and aspirations. These organizations are nonprofit or business oriented. NGOs are organizations or societies that have little or no direct bearing with any of the three levels of Government. In most cases they do not have permanent paid officials {United Nations 1990}. There is increasing evidence that all three sectors of society government, private and civil society {NGOs} have important roles to play in a nations building and particularly in development efforts to improve the quality of lives of citizens. When they are able to work well together they mutually reinforce each other’s work and can together do what none of them can do on its own.

There are many studies that reveal the negative implication of the role of NGOs in community development and the obstacles they face to legitimacy and effectiveness. However, they remain the bearers of great financial resources and great hope in the poverty alleviation mission of international development. Because of the important role they hold in the international development agenda and their influence in local spheres, the on-the-ground practices of NGOs deserve a close look. This study will draw out the web in which NGOs will operate from their perspective, and establish what NGOs are doing to better meet community needs in the Buea municipality.

 This study focuses on the role Non-Governmental Organizations play in achieving community development in the Buea municipality. Buea was the capital of German Kamerun from 1902 to 1916. Several historic sites of early mission and colonial periods have been preserved like Prime Minister Lodge {1902}, The Old Secretariat, The Bismark Fountain, The Ntaive Authority School {1902-04} and German Burial Ground {1911}. In 1922 Buea became the seat of the British Commissioner for Southern Cameroon. Present-day Buea was an administrative and trade center. It had textile, construction and wood industries. Buea is located at the foot of Mount Cameroon,  and the proximity of the town to the Atlantic coast of Cameroon results to a humid climate. As in most of the rest of Cameroon, Buea experiences dry and wet seasons. The dry seasons runs from November to December and the rainy season from March to October. The average is mild between 23degrees to 25degrees. Agriculture is the major industry in Buea, but recently, Education has become one of the major activities the town is known for, with a large number of primary, secondary and tertiary education and institutions. Most notable of the tertiary institutions is the University of Buea, the only public Anglophone University of Cameroon. The original inhabitants of Buea are the Bakweri people. However, the presence of the University and position of Buea as a regional capital has led to a significant influx of people from other ethnic groups. In recent years, this influx has led to a building boom in the town especially in the immediate vicinity of the University.

The Buea community just like every other community in the world has experienced the presence of NGOs that are there to assist the government in achieving community development. Some of these NGOs are both international and local. International Non-Governmental Organizations in Buea include: The Danish Refugee Council {DRC}, Action Against Hunger, Norwegian Refugee Council {NRC}, International Rescue Committee {IRC} and the local or national Non-Governmental Organizations include: Center for Community Regeneration and Development {CCREAD}, Association for Community Awareness {ASCOA}

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

 It is believed that NGOs have become increasingly important agents of developed world. In all their main areas of work such as Humanitarian relief, Long term development, Policy formation and Political advocacy {AHACK 1999}. NGOs have been widely considered to play a significant role in Community development. It is argued that NGOs facilitate the development of new and creative ideas, provide trusted channels of communication, and expand network of contacts, especially to groups or individuals that government maybe precluded from meeting because of political or legal concerns {Ricigliano 2003,459}. There are conflicting views especially when it comes to the role NGOs play in community development. Some people regard the presence of NGOs in communities as another problem as they consider them to be there not for the communities but for their selfish interest. They argue that the NGOs are concerned about the funding they receive from international organizations and very little of this funding are used to do the work which it is meant for.

 If these perceptions by scholars persist, it can undermine the efforts of NGOs in communities. The question which the researcher now wants to seek answer to is , How have NGOs contributed to community development in the Buea municipality.

1.3 Research Questions

1.3.1 Main question

What is the role of NGOs in community development?

1.3.2 Specific questions

  To answer the general questions above, the following specific questions were asked:

1 What are some of the specific roles or strategies have NGOs adopted to contribute to community development?

2 Elaborate what has been achieved as a result of NGO efforts

3 Examine the difficulties faced by NGOs, in their community development area.

1.4 Research Objectives

This study seeks to attain the following objectives:

1.4.1 -Main Objectives

     To examine the role played by NGOs in community development.

1.4.2 -Specific Objectives

 To find out the role of beneficiaries towards the execution of community development activities in the area.

  Identify the perception of beneficiaries towards NGOs in community development.

   Find out forms of assistance provided by government in supplementing the efforts of the NGOs in the study area.



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