Research Key

The Linguistic Analysis of Cardinal Tumi’s Selected Writings

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Descriptive statistics
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The Linguistic analysis of Cardinal Tumi’s selected writing was done to investigate the Language sample based on Linguistic sub-fields like Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics. The purpose of this study is to;

-Examine the extent to which Tumi applies Language in various contexts.

-Describe Language use.

-Bring out the grammatical errors found in his writings.

In order to accomplish the purpose, the researcher brings in Hypotheses that are to be tested such as;

  • Cardinal Tumi uses Language differently from ordinary writing.
  • Cardinal Tumi’s sentence construction affects ordinary writing.

The method used in testing the ideas was the Linguistic content analysis. This method helped in bringing-out the levels of Language use, errors, description, and sentence structure.

Finally, from the analysis of the two letters, it is proven that Tumi uses Language at various levels, he does not have a good mastery of sentence structure which leads to lengthy sentences, illogical and confusing because of hasty writing.



Background of the Study

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, while analysis is the detailed study or examination of something to understand more about it. Linguistics analysis, therefore, refers to the scientific analysis of a language sample. Linguistics can be broadly divided into three categories which are language form, language meaning, and context.

These can be subdivided into Morphology, Phonology, Semantics, and Pragmatics. These various levels are interdependent such that processes at one level may either affect or be affected by those of other levels. An important aspect of linguistics signs is that the connection between form and meaning is arbitrary. Linguistics also looks at the broader context in which language is influenced by social, cultural, and political factors.

This includes the study of major sub-fields of linguistics which are Historical linguistics which explores language change, Psycholinguistics is the representation and function of language in the mind. Also, Neuron linguistics looks at language processing in the brain, language acquisition. Then, discourse analysis involves the structure of texts and conversation.

Semantics is the meaning of word and phrase and Syntax is the study of sentence construction and its relation to each other. While Pragmatics studies the meaning of the word the context. In this plan, I will be focused on Syntax, Semantic and Pragmatic to analyze Tumi’s selected writings.

Some linguists have written Linguistic analysis but using different sub­fields. For instance, Gumperz (1953), a professor at the University of California in Berkeley developed a new way of looking at Social linguistics with Hymnes (1964) also a scholar Social linguistics “Annamlai E (1997),”. Their contribution served as a new method which is known as the ethnography of communication.

Gumperz (1953), uses interaction social linguistics because he was interested in the order of the situation, the culture of the speaker, and how it affects the way of conversation inferences also the interpretation of non-verbal or verbal signs known as contextualization cues. Another linguistics analysis is done by a great Linguist Coulthard (1999), who analyses the content and context. He focused on the writer’s use of to separate dates while others use “/” in their works. The word “cannot” is separated whereas it needs not to be.

The letters of all proper nouns like the name are slightly larger. This apparently is the author’s way of indicating that a word should be capitalized in uppercase lettering. He may not be comfortable with a small letter this brings out the peculiarity of the writer and not the normal grammatical method. In the research work, I will base or focus on Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, and fields of linguistics.

Statement of the Problem

Linguistics is the scientific study of languages. Language is a means of communication. Each writer marks his uniqueness and the uniqueness of a writer can cause grammatical errors, poor language, and description of utterances due to hasty writing and unsupported opinions. It is noted that the researcher desire to find out details on the scientific analysis language used by Christian Cardinal Tumi.

After reading the selected writings of Cardinal Tumi, it will be noticed that though he is a learned person and a famous writer, he lacks Linguistics competence. However, in Cardinal Tumi’s selected writings there are problems like sentence construction and grammatical problems were, some sentences seem to involve more than one illocutionary force, confusing, and illogical. It is examined that Christian Cardinal Tumi does not respect language use.

There is therefore the urgent need to analyze linguistically the selected writings of Christian Cardinal Tumi to its Language use, bring out poor sentence structures and grammatical errors that might affect second Language learners. In other to realize the skills and competence in Cardinal Tumi’s selected writings there is a need to undertake research on the topic ‘Linguistics Analysis of Christian Cardinal Tumi’s Selected Writings’.

 The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to do a Linguistics analysis of Christian Cardinal Tumi’s selected writing based on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Syntax. Specifically, the study seeks to;

  1. Examine the extent to which Tumi applies language in different situations or contexts.
  2. Describe the Language use
  3. Bring out the grammatical errors found in his writings.

Research Questions

In order to carry out the investigation on this issue, the following research questions were to guide the study:

  • What kind of language does Christian Cardinal use?
  • What is the meaning of sentences used by Cardinal Tumi?
  • How does sentence construction affect writing?
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