Research Key

The impact of Conflict Management on the Performance of Micro Finance Institutions in the Buea Municipality

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This study investigates the effect of conflict management on the performance of micro finance Institutions in the Buea Municipality. It adoptes a descriptive research design. A total of 50 respondents were selected for the study using simple random sampling technique.

Questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses were tested through regression analysis. The findings reveales that effective conflict management increase employee’s performance in micro finance institutions in the Buea municipality.

It was recommended that micro finance institutions should embark on seminars to orientate employees on conflict management and enforce strict disciplinary rules on workers and that there should be efficient and effective communication between and among all categories of employees in micro finance institutions. This will reduce conflicting situations in the organization.



1.1 Background to the study

In the mid-1990s, El Salvador was still over supplied with weapons from a 12year civil war that was fought in the Dominican Republic. Given the fact that the business of weapons such as guns was successful at that time,Some businessmen whose trucks were being held up by armed gangs had to change their line of business to “goods for guns scheme” since their main business was affected by the war.

In their endeavor, the president supported them. This example gives merely a flavor of what is happening in different part of the world to prevent or resolve conflict without the use of violence (scilla, 2001).

Bullying at workplaces represents a big problem for many employees in which research studies document serious negative consequences from bullying for the victims, as well as their colleagues and the enterprise as a whole (Steinar, 2010).

Research indicates that as much as five percent of employees perceived themselves as being bullied at the workplace in Europe (Steinar, 2010).

Bullying and badly managed conflicts lowers the productivity in workplaces, impairs the quality of the psychological work environment and represents a problem seen from ethical perspective (Steinar, 2010).

The crisis which erupted last year following industrial or strike actions by lawyers and teachers against the imposition of the French language in English courts and schools has its roots in the country’s fragmented colonial history, which started with Germany in the 19th century, and ultimately ended up with Britain and France until independence in the early 1960s (Atabong, 2017).

Today’s protesters are now going as far as pushing a separatist agenda, demanding their own breakaway county Amazonia, made of the present English speaking regions of Cameroon.

This conflict or struggle has greatly affected the economic activities in the English speaking regions of Cameroon. For instance there is drop in market share, profit level of organizations just to name a few (Atabong, 2017).

There is growing recognition of the importance of conflict management in an organization. A recent survey indicates that managers spend a considerable portion of their time dealing with conflict and that conflict management becomes increasingly important to their effectiveness

(Ojo, 2014). Obisi (1996) argues that despite this fact peace forms one of the fundamental factors to enhanced productivity with resultant benefits to both the labor and management as well as for the economic development of the country.

It will not be out of place therefore, to consider conflict as an inevitable and desirable factor in the work place.

Conflict could be viewed as a situation of competition in which the parties are aware of their comparability of potential future position in which each party wishes to occupy a position that is incompatible with the wishes of the other.

Conflict could arise because of the employee quest to maximize profit while workers representatives are out to ensure continuous improved condition of living for their member. Conflict could also arise as a result of failure to honor agreed items on collective bargaining.

Damachi (1999) emphasizes that if those workers rights and employee prerogatives are trampled upon, could also cause conflict. These include pay, condition of service, and fringe benefits among others.

Azamosa (2004) observed that conflicts involve the total range of behaviors and attitudes that is in opposition between owners/managers on the one hand and working people on the other. It is a state of disagreement over issues of substance or emotional antagonism and may arise due to anger, mistrust or personality clashes.

Otobo (1987) writing on effects of strikes and lockouts examined resultant effects of industrial conflict at three levels namely psychological, political and economic.

In all, every party to industrial action is affected. The needs for an effective conflict management to ameliorate the problems emanating from conflict and assist organization in their struggle for the attainment of corporate objective cannot be over emphasized.


It is hard to avoid conflict entirely, both in the workplace and elsewhere in life. It is human nature to disagree. In fact eliminating conflict entirely would cause its own problems (Doyle, 2018).

There would be no diversity of opinion and no way for us to catch and correct flawed plans and policies.

Conflicts that are allowed to foster and grow will ultimately diminish productivity and damage staff morale (Doyle, 2018).

It is why employers seek employees with the skills to manage and diffuse conflict (Doyle, 2018). Despite the availability of materials about conflict management, companies are still collapsing because of inadequate conflict management techniques.

1.3 Research Questions

In relation to the problem statement above, this research seeks to answer the following questions.

  • To what extent does conflict management affect the performance of MFIs in the Buea municipality?
  • What are the different conflict management techniques used by MFIs in the Buea municipality?
  • What are the different sources of conflict among employees of MFIs in the Buea municipality?


The main objective of this work is to assess conflict management and its effect on employees’ performance in the Buea municipality.

1.3.1 Specific objectives:

  • To investigate the different conflict management techniques used by MFIs in the Buea municipality.
  • To investigate the different sources of conflict among employees of MFIs in the Buea municipality.
  • To make recommendations on how to mitigate conflict among employees of MFIs in the Buea municipality.
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