The impact of computerized accounting systems on the performance of Small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon

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International: $20
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Analytical tool
Descriptive statistics
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This study was about the impact of computerized accounting systems on the performance of Small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon.

The objectives were to access the effect of cost on the performance of SMEs in Cameroon, to determine the effect of business size on the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon,

to access the effect of government support on the performance of SMEs in Cameroon and to access the effect of external environment on the performance of SMEs in Cameroon.

The methods of data collection were primary data which are information gotten directly from the field through the administration of the questionnaire. Data was obtained using questionnaires of sample size 25.

The methods of analysis were descriptive analysis and multiple regression techniques.

Our regression analysis provided results for the statistical test to validate the results presented.

The R-square statistics showed that 56.48 per cent of the variation in the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon is explained by computerized accounting variables.

This, therefore, means that about 43.52 per cent are explained by other factors not captured in the estimation framework specified.

In terms of the overall goodness of fit of the model, presented by the F-statistics, the results showed that the fit of the model is statistically significant at 1 per cent level of significance. Thus, the results presented above are reliable.

It was recommended that incentives for computerized accounting systems need to be put in place by the heads of Enterprise, as well as the need for change due to the evolvement of technology.


                                                                             CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background of the Study

Accounting assumes an important role in the success or failure of contemporary business organizations.

Every business must keep track of the financial data that identifies with its business exercises.

It likewise has various procedures; some basic, others cumbersome and confusing. Modern accounting is founded on the system developed by an Italian monk Luca Pacioli over 500 years ago.

This great scientific system was so well executed that even current accounting principles are based on it (DeSantis 2010).

In keeping track of financial information businesses are concerned primarily with methods for recording transactions, keeping records, performing audits, reporting and analyzing financial to the management, and receiving advice on tax matters.

1.2 Problem Statement

The advancement in ICT has eventually led to the introduction of computerized accounting systems in small and medium-size enterprise’s transactions to help in the performance of these SME’s.

The many advantages from the use of these systems have led many to believe that computerized accounting systems are the ‘engines for effective and efficient performance.

Despite the many advantages that come with computerized accounting systems, several challenges still plague information technology with regards to computerized accounting systems.

It is, however, worth noting that, notwithstanding the introduction of these computerized accounting systems and despite the enormous benefits from the use of these systems,

the problem that some companies still make use of the manual accounting systems which are often characterized by keeping a large number of books and are usually associated with errors in recording large volumes of transactions.

Reasons for the use of manual accounting system may be attributed to factors such as the inadequate supply of expert knowledge about the computerized accounting systems; high cost of installation and maintenance; resistance to change; risk of being hacked; power failure; viruses and losing information.

This study thus is intended to assess the impact of computerized accounting systems used on the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.

This will also show us the positive effect of accounting software as well as their challenges that hinder the smooth use of the computerized accounting systems in this SME’s.

1.3 Main Question

What is the impact of computerized accounting systems on the performance of SME’s in Cameroon?

1.3.1 Specific Question

  • What is the impact of cost on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon?
  • What is the impact of business size on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon?
  • What is the impact of government support on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon?
  • What is the impact of the external environment on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon?

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1 Main Objective

The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of computerized accounting systems on the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

  • To assess the impact of cost on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.
  • To assess the impact of business size on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.
  • To assess the impact of government support on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.
  • To assess the impact of external environment on computerized accounting systems and the performance of SME’s in Cameroon.


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