Research Key

The Effects of Students’ Teacher Conflict on Student Academic Achievement

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The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors involves in student teachers’ conflict which affects the academic achievement of students. Conflict is unavoidable in any human institution. The fundamental meaning of conflict is disagreement. Disagreements occur between teachers and pupils over disciplinary measures such as corporal punishment and other forms of punishments that ensure discipline in the school. These conflict situations have to be resolving to make sure peace and harmony between the teacher and pupils. The school organization needs to promote student achievements on the bases of controlling conflicts between students and teacher in secondary schools.

The study was descriptive in nature. The basic aim of the study was to find out the factors affecting student achievements due to conflict between students and teachers through the method of questionnaire. The study was based on the secondary class students in Bamenda Town.

The result of the study revealed that, there was positive relationship between intrapersonal conflicts on student academic achievement. There was no relationship between interpersonal conflicts on students’ academic achievement. There was no relationship between intra-group conflicts on students’ academic achievement.




The purpose of this study was to provide confirmation that strong and helpful relationships between teachers and students are basic to the healthy development of all students in schools. Secure and arranged environments in our Nation’s schools are necessary to encourage high standards for learning and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to develop their fullest potential. So that no teacher would ever fear to walk into a classroom, and no child would ever stay home from school because he or she might be frightened. Too often, however, young people face conflicts before, during, and after school. Because, they are subjected to bullying, teasing, and senseless, sometimes fatal, disputes over clothing and other possessions. Many of these conflicts either begin at school or they are brought into school from the home or the community.

Conflict needs to be looked at significantly and all defensive actions must be taken to increase the school environment and enable teachers and pupils live and work together in harmony. “When students have a positive relationship with their teachers, they adjust to school more easily, view school as a positive experience, exhibit fewer behavior difficulties, display better social skills, and demonstrate higher academic achievement” (Ruby larson p; 9). They are also more active participants in class, express a greater interest in school, and maintain higher grade point averages.

The study was also to introduce those factors of conflict which can represent effects on educational sitting. Conflict is unavoidable in any human institution. The fundamental meaning of conflict is disagreement. Disagreements occur between teachers and pupils over disciplinary measures such as corporal punishment and other forms of punishments that ensure discipline in the school. These conflict situations have to be resolved to make sure peace and harmony between the teacher and pupils.

It presents the opportunity to develop safe study environment to enhance students’ achievement and the adaptation of various conflict management strategies for handling conflict. Some of these strategies are: Mediation, Negotiation, Avoidance, and Collaboration etc when utilized by schools, leads to less conflict and better outcomes for all involved. It helps students and teacher to enhance better understanding in the field of conflict by recognizing different conflicts resolution techniques. It encourages and helps schools to achieve co-operative and supportive working relationship between staff and students in secondary schools.

It identifies some factors leading to conflict and the description of some valuable sources of conflict which shows teacher responsibility to understand these sources and factors of conflict to improve their students’ academic achievements.


The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors involve in student teachers’ conflict which effects the academic achievement of students. Conflict is unavoidable in any human institution. The fundamental meaning of conflict is disagreement. Disagreements occur between teachers and pupils over disciplinary measures such as corporal punishment and other forms of punishments that ensure discipline in the school. These conflict situations have to be resolved to make sure peace and harmony between the teacher and pupils. The school organization needs to promote student achievements on the bases of controlling conflicts between students and teacher in secondary schools.


Objectives of the study were;

  1. To identify causes of conflict that exists in the secondary school system.
  2. To investigate the effects of students-teacher conflicts on students’ academic achievement.
  3. To explore different kinds of conflict face by students and teacher in secondary schools.


Project ID
International: $20
No of pages
Analytical tool
 MS Word & PDF
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