Research Key

The effects of 11 strains of plant growth promoting bacteria on soil enzyme activity in the rhizosphere and growth performance of maize the plant in relation to NPK fertilizer

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Food science and Technology
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International: $20
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1.1 ​Background of the study 

Maize (Zea mays) is a cereal crop that is produce for it grains and forage. It contribute to food security and incom generation of many farmers in sub-sahara, but soil nutrient deficiency causes huge gap between the potential and actual crop yield(Neumann et al 2010; Abu et al 2011; Achiri et al 2018). It is the most important cereal crop in the world after rice and wheat, and it is major diet for many tropical people ,in temperate region , it is the mai’ grain used for animal feed.( purseglove et al 1978). maize is also animportant cash and food crop in cameroon . it is regular component in family meal and ranked second in consumed starch after cassava.

Maize Production is constrained by poor soil fertility that requires fertilizer input to supplement crop needs.(Ngosong et al 2019; Tening and Foba Tendo 2013). Recently significant soil potassium (k) deficiency across different agro ecological zones of Cameroon that have significant effect on maize production were reported (Nanganoa et al 2020). Hence fertilizers are highly recommended to increase maize production per unit area of cultivable land. Despite the need to increase crop production through fertilizer inputs, SSA accounts for only 0.1% of global mineral fertilizer production and less than 10kg ha combine fertilizer (Sanchez 2020: Bekunda et al 2010). Macronutrient deficiency is another major constrain for maize production in Cameroon (Achiri et al 2018; Nanganoa et al 2020). Accordingly Nitrogen (Ngosong et al 2019) and phosphorus ( Tening and Fona-Tendo 2013) fertilizer recommendation have been proposed for the volcanic soils of Buea in Cameroon butthe indiscriminate use of these chemicals  is detrimental to the soil, environment and even to humans, creating the need for sustainable plant protection and fertilization options which are ecofriendly and viable. (Nanganoa et al 2020). 

Plant growth-promoting bacterial contribute to maize production as acid phosphates catalysing the clevage of phosphate bond, releasing the phosphate through hydrolysis. The acid phosphatase also secret roots allows plant to mobilize organic phosphorus in low phosphorus soil. The fact that the use of bacteria inoculant in agriculture has a tremendous positive impact on world food production and preservation of environmental resources is indisputable(Alive et al 2003) specifically, the benefit of PGPB on maize have studied over the last six decades (Doberemer 1953, 1959).


Maize production is constrained by poor soil fertility that requires fertilizer input to supplement crop needs.(Ngosong et al 2019; Tening and Foba Tendo 2013). Recently significant soil potassium (k) deficiency across different agro ecological zones of Cameroon that have significant effect on maize production were reported (Nanganoa et al 2020). Hence fertilizers are highly recommended to increase maize production per unit area of cultivable land. Despite the need to increase crop production through fertilizer inputs, SSA accounts for only 0.1% of global mineral fertilizer production and less than 10kg ha combine fertilizer (Sanchez 2020: Bekunda et al 2010). Macronutrient deficiency is another major constrain for maize production in Cameroon (Achiri et al 2018; Nanganoa et al 2020). Accordingly Nitrogen (Ngosong et al 2019) and phosphorus ( Tening and Fona-Tendo 2013) fertilizer recommendation have been proposed for the volcanic soils of Buea in Cameroon but the indiscriminate use of these chemicals  is detrimental to the soil, environment and even to humans, creating the need for sustainable plant protection and fertilization options which are ecofriendly and viable. 

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 Main objectives

To evaluate the effects of 11 strains of plant growth-promoting bacteria on soil enzyme activity in the rhizosphere  and growth performance of maize the plant, in relation to NPK fertilizer.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

➢ To assess the impact of each bacteria strain on urease and acid phosphatase in the rhizosphere of maize plant in relation to NPK fertilizer. 

To assess the impact of each bacteria strain on maize performance in relation to NPK fertilizer. 

1.4. Importance Of The Research/Study

Increase in maize production will lead to improved living standard of the entire community given that maize is a cash crop and use as feed for livestock. 

Guide us to know how poor soil fertility problems can be manage​

1.5. Hypothesis 

  • Null Hypothesis (H0):There will be no significant difference in the soil enzyme activities of maize plants using the plant growth promoting bacteria . • Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):There will be  a significant difference in Enzyme activity  of maize plant using plant growth promoting bacteria . 
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