Research Key

The Effect of Time Management on Teachers' and Students' Academic Performance in BUEA Municipality

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This study investigated the effects of time management on teachers and student’s academic performance. variables of time management like procrastination, prioritization, qualification and experience teaching methods were examined to see their effects. The sampling technique was purposive random sampling and the sample size was 40, consisting of 30 students and 10 teachers.


A structured questionnaire was used for data collection and the data were analyzed using different statistical techniques available in the statistical package for social sciences. The results of findings revealed that the demographic variable that scientifically correlates to students’ academic performance is the educational level of the teacher which is closely linked to the qualification .it could be concluded that the better the teacher’s qualification the better he can manage time hence better academic performance for the students.






1.0 Introduction


In the modern world, time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity, it helps to infuse the concepts of time through the institution. All the material and human resources possessed by the organisations can be enhanced in the course of time and be transformed as time goes on yet the only asset that can be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. The secret in achieving success in life is effectively managing these resource that everyone has equally and paying sufficient emphasis to planning (Macam,Shahani and Diphoye in 2000). Though effective and efficient use of time varies with respect to the tasks performed, further increase in the level of knowledge and skills expected from the teachers and students has further increased the necessity of time planning. The road to success in social life passed through effective and efficient working which is only possible through time management, the competitive environment we live in today encourage people from as early as their elementary education to plan and manage time effectively.


The pace of life is becoming fast, that is why people are trying to do things faster to contract time expenditure and eat faster and make phone calls while having launch and working and also people sleep very less (Garhammer,2002). In this regard, many authors have discussed the need for time management for better incorporating time in theoretical models and research designs (Laright,2002, George and Jones, 2000) as people can manage their time and improve their effort(Macan,1994) to make their working environment supportive.


Time management means the maximum use of time for productivity and achievement. It concerns the management of schedule of work with advanced planning, organizing and implementation in order to achieve the aims and objectives of their work. Time is probably the most valuable asset available to people and organizations to understand the process of the management of time and contribution of one’s activity to the success of personal and professional lives; however, as any other asset it may be wasted if not valid. Time management concerns the discovery and application of the most effective method of completing assignment of any length within the required time. It is in the human nature to waste time for their personal interest and easiness in order to deviate from the work and responsibility in any organisations.




1.1 Background Of The Study


Time management is a process of planning and controlling the amount of time spent on a specific activity to increase effectiveness or efficiency of work. We can see time management means deciding the priorities of work.


Skills of academic success, Carla Crutsinger defined effective time management as the process of;


*Setting goals


*Prioritizing those goals


*Deciding how much time to allocate to a specific task


*Adjusting plans as they change


*Revisiting the goal and priorities regularly


*Observing results


Teachers play a fundamental role in the learner’s academic achievement. They link together learners, other teachers, school administrators, families and community members to foster the learning success and healthy development of their learners. The nature of these interaction amongst different stakeholders varies depending on the teacher’s intent and the needs of their learners. Learners, particularly those at risk of school failure can be benefit from certain (protect support provided by teachers {wany,B.C,haertel,G.D})1994. The teacher’s role is creating an environment and building relationships conducive to learning; these goes beyond the traditional academic duties to include the provision of additional support and care. By developing and nurturing positive relationship with their learner’s teachers can buffer the impact of certain basic factors that may have negative impact on students’ academic achievement(smylie,1994).


1.2 Statement Of Problem


Common problems noticed by researches especially in the institution where they are presently teaching is that there is absence of prioritization of the students on their school tasks resulting in procrastination by some of the students especially on delaying examinations due to the lack of time to study. Students are not aware that procrastination not only wastes the teachers time but also it requires teachers to prepare another examination paper just to accommodate the delays also, students usually justify the delay because of the many activities and responsibilities they have outside the school like social activity with family and others.


The issue of declining academic performance in examination signifies a critical impediment in any country since education is a major contributor to economic growth. Thus teachers time management is an important input to students’ academic performance. It is universally recognised that the teacher is the key person in an educational system. The teacher is a major limiting factor in the class room. Not only does its character, personality and competence play a large part in determining the atmosphere of the lesson salt of relationship which exist the styles of communication and the rules and regulations governing the formalities affects his or her students’ performance. The teacher also performs a key role in influencing the students view of himself, its use of time and the sort of progress he or she makes.


Quite often, teachers fail to make proper planning of their time, tasks are often not performed according to level of priorities; lessons and scheduled and times teachers procrastinate on events. All these might have negative impact on the student’s academic performance. Consequently, the present study is an attempt at finding out the effect of time management on teachers and students academic performance.


1.3 The Purpose Of The Study


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of time management on teachers and student’s academic performance in Buea.




1.4 Research Objectives


The study was guided by the following research objectives


To find out the effect of procrastination of task on teachers and students academic performance

To determine the level of prioritizations of school task attitude on teachers and student’s academic performance

To find out the effects of the teacher’s academic qualifications and attitude on students’ academic performance

To find out the effect of teacher’s experience and teaching methods on students’ academic performance.



1.5 Research Questions


The study tries to address the following questions;


What is the effect of teacher and student’s responses in terms of the frequency of procrastination on time management?

What is the effect of prioritization on teachers and student’s academic performance on time management?

What are the effects of teacher’s academic qualifications and altitude on time management and student academic performance?

What are the effects of teacher’s experience and teaching methods on time management and students’ academic performance?



1.6 Significance Of The Study


Time is a resource that affects all aspects of human endeavors. The study of time management is hopefully significant to all stakeholders in educational sectors, learners, teachers, school administrators, policy makers and government.


To learners; The study will be of significance to learners who are taking the course in education. The parent teacher association will benefit as they try to help teachers to be more knowledgeable about their students and their environment.  It will also be a relevant source for scholars who will be conducting a study over the same field.


To teachers; The teachers will be the most beneficiaries of the study. They will learn various ways of organising work to be used in imparting knowledge and skills to learners being the resource persons. It is the teacher who has to establish a warm relationship with the learners and share some confidence with them for their effective learning. The teacher would know how to organised materials for classes for a conducive atmosphere.


To school administrators; They will benefit from the study in that they will be able to understand the effect of time management on teachers and student’s academic performance. They will be able to understand the staff needs and ensures that the plan the school program in the right way bearing in mind the school objectives and the resources required for the objectives to be met.


The policy makers; The policy maker will be well served by recognizing the complexity of the issue ad adopting multiple measures such as providing government employment by creating centres attached to public primary schools which will make them to have better remuneration and hence be better motivated in the delivery of their work. The policy makers will be well informed as they try to strengthen the education sub sector in secondary education


To the government; The government on the other hand will be able to learn from the study and come up with policies to ensure learners have enough time in achieving better performance in learning institution. The government will also get informed on guiding policy regarding whom to hire, whom to reward, and how best to distribute teachers across schools and classrooms.

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