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The effect of ATM services on customer satisfaction in commercial banks in Cameroon

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Banking and Finance
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International: $20
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Commercial banks have been in the process of significant transformation. Despite this transformation, even though there is a richness of information on the nature and scope of internet banking, there is a scarcity of evidence about the effect of internet banking activities amongst banks that have adopted it compared to those that have not done so. This study sought to investigate the Effect of Automated Teller Machine Services on Customer Satisfaction of Commercial Banks in Cameroon Case Study: NFC Bank Buea Branch. The main objective of the study was to examine the effect of ATM services of Commercial Banks in Buea in the case of NFC Bank Buea. For this study data were collected from the primary and secondary sources. Data for the study was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as percentages and frequencies and the target population comprised of 33 respondents of NFC Bank, data collection was done through the use of questionnaires for easy interpretation. From the study, it was revealed that, the role of ATM Banking adoption on the performance of the banking sector mainly refers to time reduction and quality improvement, rather than cost reduction as reported by many authors.
The study further revealed that the introduction of ATM Banking has impacted positively on the bank’s human resource performance, in terms of improved efficiency and effectiveness of commercial banks performance even as it has enhanced customer satisfaction and increased productivity. The study recommends that critical infrastructure that aids the usage of ATM Banking products should be provided and also a fixed network service should be provided to enhance the usage of the ATM machine at all times.



1.1 Background to the Study

Globally, the customer satisfaction of an industry depends on how the Automated Teller Machine services are well placed. Poor performance of ATM Services will cause customer dissatisfaction. There are now close to 3.5 million ATMs installed. The idea of out of -hour cash distribution developed from bankers needs in Asia, Europe, little was known of the Japanese device called “computer loan machine” and supplied cash as a three month loan at 5% per annum after inserting a credit card, the device was operational in 1966. ATM cards are fast replacing confounding withdrawal forms as a convenient way of getting our money from banks. In a way, they are rewriting the rules of financial transactions. A smart person no longer need to carry a wallet- full of money; rather what he/she needs to do, is to fish out an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) card from his/her pocket, insert it in the slot of the machine, punch in a few details and go home with hard cash (Singh and Komal, 2009).

Adrian Ashfield invented the idea of a card combining the key and user’s identity in February 1962 and it was granted UK pattern 959,713 for “access controller” in June 1964 and assigned to W.S Atkins and partners who employed Adrian Ashfield. It is widely accepted that the first cash machine was put into use by Barclays Bank in its Enfield town branch in North London on 27 June 1967 and was inaugurated by an English actor called Reg Varney. This invention was led by a team engineered by John Shepherd Barron of De La Rue printing firm who was awarded an honor in 2005 in New York by City Bank.

ATM is said to have evolved from early cash dispensers and is said to have first been introduced in the early 1970s. The dispensers were operated by a token in the form of a punch card. This enabled a customer to withdraw as sachets of suitable values of bank notes. These sachets process and then return the card to the customers.

ATM is designed to perform the most important function of banks. The plastic card is replacing cheques, personal attendance of the customers, banking hour’s restrictions and paper based verifications. ATMs are used as springboard for electronic fund transfer. ATM itself can provide information about customer’s account and also receive instructions from customers-ATM cardholders. An ATM is an electronic fund transfer terminal capable of handling cash deposits, transfer between accounts, balance enquiries, cash withdrawals and pay bills (Hood, 1976). In many parts of the world, the majority of bank customers regularly use Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) and today’s western youths have not known a world without them. It has taken approximately 30 years to establish ATMs as ubiquitous examples of public walk-up-and-use devices. The adoption has not been straightforward, requiring trust in the technology and willingness to modify behavioral strategies in the very sensitive domain of personal finance. Financial institutions have played an important role in encouraging ATM adoption. The ATM flourishes within societies where time is precious and money readily available. This culture is composed of individuals, who have personal bank accounts and access to a wide range of technology. For these individuals, ATMs are convenient and reliable every day; push a few buttons and get the money. As ATMs cross-new borders and pervade different cultures, it is important to understand the role of cultural characteristics on people’s perception of attitudes towards, and action on the machine. This understanding is instrumental in facilitating technology uptake and improving design localization, or the process of infusing a specific cultural context into products designed for different cultures (Anderson, 1993).

Though, the aim of these services is to satisfy customers, there is the need to understand customer awareness, perception and importantly the level of satisfaction. Efforts are made to attract and retain customers by offering them a basket of tailored schemes supported by a state of the art distribution system (the ATMs). The whole exercise is helping banks to serve their customers fast and avoid human intervention totally. And for the customers, ATMs offer hassle-free cash withdrawals, no more fighting with the bank’s teller for change and fresh notes. The ATM has become a medium for non- cash transactions such as payment of bills, insurance payment, printing of statements or even accessing the internet (Krishna and Rao, 2006).

In Cameroon, the value of ATM (per 100,000 adults) was 3.52 as of 2014. NFC (National Financial Credit) launched the ATM in 2012 to make life easier to its loyal customers. It has 7 branches over 10 regions of Cameroon. Though the northern regions of Cameroon are not yet served by the bank but progress are being made to create branches there. The company was created in 1989 and it has been ranked as the second in commercial activities in Cameroon.

1.2 Problem Statement.

The use of ATM is a new way of accessing banking services necessitated by customer’s business needs and is enabled by fast changing technology. Due to achievements brought about by increased utilization on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in society, the banking industry has introduced ATM. ATMs provide a new method of dispensing customer services which are expected to increase efficiency, sales performance, and enhance customer satisfaction (Mboma, 2011).

ATM was introduced in Cameroon in 2004 and since then, it has been facing a lot of problems when carrying out its activities such as; breakdown of ATM machines, long queues at ATM service points, retention of customers cards, limited knowledge on the use of ATM cards and fraudulent transaction and operations. Studies have been carried out on the effect of ATM in providing services, and customer’s satisfaction in countries like USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Finland and Australia (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2006).

To the best of my knowledge, no sufficient work has been done in Cameroon with regards to ATM services and customer satisfaction issues. It is therefore against this backdrop that the researcher was prompted to investigate and find out the effect of ATM services on customer satisfaction in NFC bank Buea.

1.2.1 Research Questions

Based on the background study above, the main problem of this study remains, what is the effect of ATM services on customer satisfaction. In line with this problem, the following research questions were developed,

  1. What is the relationship between ATM services and customer satisfaction?

  2. What are the benefits of ATM services to customers of NFC bank?

  • What are the challenges faced by customers using ATM services?

1.3 Objectives of the Study.

Main objective:

To examine the effect of ATM services on customer satisfaction in commercial banks in Buea in the case of NFC Bank

Specific objectives

  1. To establish a relationship between ATM services and customer satisfaction.

  2. To access the benefits of ATM services to customers of NFC Bank.

  • To examine the challenges faced by customers using ATM services.

1.4 Hypothesis of the Study

H0: ATM services have no significant effect on customer satisfaction.

H1: ATM services have a significant effect on customer satisfaction

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