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Sources of Labour law in Cameroon

Labour law in Cameroon can be trace from both internal and external sources. The sources of Labour Law in Cameroon include then following

Internal sources

1 The constitution

The preamble of the 1996 constitution is to effect that every Cameroon citizen has a right to work.

2 Statute or legislation

Statutory Law is law emanating from Parliament in relating to labour relationship. In our situation at hand we shall be making references to the 1992 labour code enacted by parliament to regulate labour relationship in Cameroon

3 Internal rules and regulations of companies

These are set of rules and regulations laid down by management relating to the organization work, discipline, hygiene and safety necessary for a smooth functioning of the establishment.

External sources

1 International convention

This is a text prescribe by the international labour organization(ILO)to regulate labour relationship within member states who are signatories to the convention and have undergone ratification of the said convention .

Labour law

Section 1 of the Labour code states that the labour code shall govern relation between wage earners and employers, and as well between employers and apprentice under the supervision or authorities of the master.

Categories of workers governed by the labour code

  • Workers of private companies
  • Workers of para public companies
  • State agents
  • Public contract workers

Categories of workers not governed by the labour code

  • Civil servants of public service
  • Workers of the legal department
  • Servicemen
  • Workers of the Armed Force and the National Security
  • Workers of the Penitentiary Administration and auxiliary staff.

Sources of Labour law in Cameroon

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