Research Key

The role of the military tribunal in the criminal justice system in Cameroon

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This work examines military justice system in Cameroon. The  military justice system has been organized to carry out justice, punish and acquit criminals who commit crimes like theft with the use of fire arms, acts of terrorism, military officials who go against the commands or disobey the commands of their bosses, and so on. The main objective is to access the role of the military tribunal in the criminal justice system in Cameroon. The provision governing the military justice code in Cameroon is law no2017/012 of July 2017 on the military justice code; this law has established the various procedures that must be followed when administering justice at the military court and in situations where this provisions are not followed any judgment rendered will be null.

For the findings, it has been realized that the judicial system is not independent those when it comes to dispensation of justice this system is lacking. The absence of a real judicial power is an upshot of the wider problem. Judicial independence is highly needed in the conduct of criminal proceedings and in Cameroon the highly influential politicians can influence the conduct of criminal proceedings.

The objective of this research is to examine the role of the military tribunal in the criminal justice system in Cameroon.

The method used in this work is purely Doctrinal. This research adopts a qualitative research approach. This method is suitable for this research reason being that it analyses the problem and does not make use of statistical data. The sources of data collection here are primary and secondary data.

The very first recommendation will be on the aspect that the Cameroonian judiciary must be independent as it is an important part for separation of power as an independent judiciary is indispensable to enhancing executive respect for the rules of law. Another recommendation will be on the fact that since the military tribunal does not have the competence to try civilians but mostly military service men but the military tribunal has gone against this principle countless times it will be necessary for the government to organize another judiciary to try civilians at the military court.

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