Research Key

Requirements for Admission into a Bachelors degree at the University of Buea

Requirements for Admission into a Bachelors degree at the University of Buea

Whatsapp contact: +237654770619

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Requirements for Regular Bachelor’s degree
1) Copy of A Level
2) Copy of O level
3) Copy of HND result (for those wishing to start from second year)
4) Copy of birth certificate
5) Copy of ID card
6) List 3 choices inorder of preference.
7) clean selfie on white background.
8) Parents telephone contacts.

Requirements for Concur Bachelor’s degree
1) Copy of A Level
2) Copy of O level
3) Copy of birth certificate
4) Copy of ID card
5) Copy of None conviction
6) Program of interest.
7) clean selfie on white background.
8) Parents telephone contacts.

Requirements for masters degree
All above plus:
Proof of English Language proficiency.
BSc transcript or degree or attestation
Statement of Purpose.

You don’t necessarily have to come to Buea.
Send the above documents to us and we effect your application, immediately send you back the application form.

If you’ll like to see us in person: My office is at Amphi 750 inside the University of Buea, Campus A


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