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      This research project set out to examine the extent to which prisoner’s right in Cameroon, prospects and challenges. The main objective of the research was to make an appraisal on the protection of prisoner’s rights in Cameroon, prospects and challenges. The study used a qualitative research methodology to collect data and uses primary and secondary source of data collection. The study also talks on legal framework, constitutional framework, international framework, legal and international framework, African charter on Human and people’s right and the rule of government in the protection of prisoner’s rights in Cameroon. In an attempt to improve the protection of prisoners’ rights in Cameroon, certain measures and conventions are put in place which are use whereby information circulation and special reporteur on how prisoners are treated in Cameroon, the constitutional approach which talks about how prisoners is to be handled by the government, prison administrators, police and gendarme. In an attempt to improve on the protection of prisoners’ rights in Cameroon, the government has provided the prisoners with immunities created, constructed new prisons and punishes those prisons personnel guilty of tortured which is in conformity with regional laws, national laws, international laws, the Cameroon constitution, the United Nation convention on human and people’s rights, and African charter on human and people’s rights. In carrying out the research I realized that prisoners right to health, right legal aid/counsel and access to prison, right to a fair trial, right against inhumane treatment and the right against torture or cruel and other degrading treatment or punishment are not duly respect in conformity with the framework put in place to guarantee those right. In an attempt to protect prisoner’s right in Cameroon, there were several challenges. some of which are, poor infrastructure leading to overcrowding, insufficient fund to carry out medical facilities and among others.

   The key recommendations proposed in the protection of prisoner’s rights in Cameroon is for the recruitment of prison staff and administrations, police and gendarmerie should desist from the torturous act and degrading treatment of prisoners, government should provide medical equipment and medical staff, tribunal should be fast in trying detainees and the international body should order the government to punish those who are victim of human right violation to be released alongside pre-trial detainees.  To conclude on the study, I have found out that Human right law, African charter on Human and people’s rights, international laws and the preamble of the Cameroon constitution plays a significant role in the protection of prisoner’s rights in Cameroon because it laid down modalities and compel the Cameroon government to follow. However, a strict application of these laws and convention are not totally respected by prisons personnel or administrations and the government of Cameroon.

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