Research Key


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Background: Helicobacter pylori is a gram negative bacterium that colonizes the epithelial mucus of the stomach in approximately 50% of humans worldwide.

It also causes an inflammatory gastric bacterial infection which is more prevalent in under developed countries affecting almost 80% of the people in these countries and half of people in developed countries.
Pregnant women are more susceptible to this infection because of the changes in both humoral and cell mediated immunity, and these changes include alterations in the various classes of antibodies during different gestational periods.
In Cameroon, people who usually live with Helicobacter pylori infections turn to neglect it, believing that they could manage it and only decide to go to the hospital when the disease has exacerbated.

This then brings the need of this study.

It is also done to see whether there is a relationship between pregnancy and susceptibility to H. pylori infections.

This will have as overall objective to better the health of the population.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of H. pylori Gastritis among pregnant women in the Buea Regional Hospital and some associated risk factors.
Method: This was a hospital based analytic cross-sectional study conducted in the Buea Regional Hospital.

Participants for this study were pregnant women who attended ANC at the above mentioned hospital and who consented to taking part in the study.

The participants were then asked to fill a questionnaire which was aimed at accessing risk factors for gastritis.

Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS 17.
Results: Participants ranging from 15-45 years of age with the majority between 26-35 years (49.3%), equal number of participants were married and single with a percentage of 49.3% (n=37) for each, 49.3%, (n=37) attained tertiary education, 90.7% (n=68) of them being Christians and 25.3% (n=19) working in the private sector.

This study showed an overall prevalence of H. pylori gastritis to be 37.3%.
Conclusion: The prevalence of H. pylori infections in towns of developing countries is still very high.

Patients especially the elderly (36-45 years and above) should do constant screening for H. pylori infections.

The government as well as health personnel’s should also sensitize the population on H. pylori gastritis.
1.1 Background
Helicobacter pylori is a gram negative bacterium that colonizes the epithelial mucus of the stomach in approximately 50% of humans worldwide

[1]. It is also an inflammatory gastric bacterial infection which is more prevalent in underdeveloped countries affecting almost 80% of the people in these countries and half of the population in developed countries

[2]. .pylori infection plays a very important role in the pathogenesis of various pregnancy related disorders through different mechanisms, mainly focused on iron deficiency anemia, thrombocytopenia, fetal malformations and fetal growth restriction

[3]. Hyperemesis gravid arum also affects 0.3 to 2% of all pregnancies, as some studies point out a strong correlation with H. pylori infections

[4,5]pylori is a cause blood loss in the gastrointestinal tract, reduction in iron absorption, and increase of iron absorption by the bacteria

[6,7] which results in iron deficiency anemia, leading to a high risk of low birth weight, prematurity and perinatal mortality.
Pregnant women are more susceptible to this infection because of the changes in both humoral and cell mediated immunity, and these changes include alterations in the various classes of antibodies during different gestational periods

[8].Treatment used are antibiotics, but the combination of PPIs and bismuth containing compounds eradicate the bacteria.
Maternal health is complex and it requires a variety of studies in order to identify the problem in each level of maternal health service, hence the aim of determining the prevalence of the disease and associated risk factors in pregnancy.
1.2 Rational
In Cameroon, people who usually live with gastritis turn to neglect it, believing that they could manage it, especially by always eating and only decide to go to the hospital when the disease has exacerbated.
This then brings the need of this study, to sensitize people on the fact that they should be more alert and treat the disease immediately symptoms present.

It is also done to see whether there is a relationship between pregnancy and susceptibility to H. pylori infections. Information derived from this study will create an awareness on the rising prevalence of H. pylori gastritis and will cause the population to put in more efforts in preventive care rather than curative care which is even more expensive.
This will have as overall objective to better the people`s health.
1.3 Hypothesis
Pregnant women are one of the most susceptible individuals to infection by H. pylori.
1.4 Research Question
Does pregnancy increase susceptibility to H. pylori infection?
1.5 General Objective
To determine the prevalence of gastritis in pregnant women in the Buea Regional hospital.
1.6 Specific Objectives
To obtain a demographic data of the participants from a questionnaire.
To determine the risk factors of H. pylori gastritis.
To perform H.pylori tests on pregnant women.
To associate H.pylori infection to the pregnant state.


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