Research Key

Potentials of Barombi Mbo Lake for the Development of Tourism in Kumba I

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Tourism and Hospitability Management 
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International: $20
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In a time of rapid transformation of existing cities, a popular trend worldwide is the specialization of urban change and urban regeneration: notions that have been generally associated with the urban space, such as smartness, cultural value, innovation capacity, and eventually resilience, are singled out as explicit targets that designated pilot districts or neighborhoods should achieve.

The lack of applicable laws, environmental protection such as laws against pollution of the lake. Over fishing that has led to over-exploitation of the lake, causing the issue of slow growth of tourism promotion in Kumba by the lake is mainly as a result of most of the different species of fishes found in the lake are extinct through pollution of the water  and over fishing discouraging visitors to constantly visit the environment.

The study made use of both primary and secondary data that were obtained through field survey, questionnaires and interview and were analyzed with the aid of Microsoft Excel Vs 2016 and presented using percentages and tables.

Data obtained from the field proved that there exists a significant relationship between Lake Barombi-Mbo and sustainable tourism development in Kumba. This sustainable tourism development in Kumba by the Lake has been hampered by pollution of the Lake, poor transport infrastructure leading to the Lake and absence of funds.

This work recommends the management of the Lake should  apply for sponsorship so as to get enough cash for the daily operations of the Lake. It is said increase investment can boost the state of a facility or services leading to rehabilitation .When this is done Lake Barombi-Mbo will gains popularity and can attract more than its current number of visitors it use to attract.



1.1 Background to the study

In many parts of the world lakes are a vital part of recreation and tourism as both a location for leisure activities, as well as an attraction in their own right. Lakes are also used extensively by many countries and destinations in tourism promotion campaigns, whether it is to provide a key image of the destination or an attractive backdrop for other leisure activities (Harkonen 2003). Lakes are open water bodies, ponds, dams or reservoirs on the surface of the earth, representing a valuable resource utilised for a variety of human activities. Globally, lakes have an uneven distribution, dominantly found in upland regions, with Canada alone claiming around half of all the world’s lakes( Klessig, 2001).

The water quality of lakes is critical to their attractiveness as recreation and tourism resources, with many lakes in the world being salt water rather than fresh water (such as the Caspian and the Dead Seas).

The landscape setting of lakes is also an important aspect of their attractiveness, coming in a variety of forms: glacial lakes; caldera lakes; underground lakes; rift valley lakes; ox bow lakes; artificial lakes and reservoirs (Klessig, 2001).

Understanding the relevant processes of lake tourism is essential to a better future planning of inland water resources management. For many years, experts in aspects of the environmental protection and water supply issues are trying to solve the problems of sustainable tourism and protection of lake ecosystems in the joint international conferences, such as the International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC).

Strong interest in this type of conferences (previously held in Argentina, China, Denmark, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, and USA) proves that even the most remote geographical location are no barrier in the common search for solutions to the building optimal methods and conditions for lake tourism development. Lakes play an important role in sustainable tourism development within communities there are located.

Lakes also supports a number of human activities, including agriculture, commerce, transport, sport & recreation, tourism, food production and electricity supply (Making tourism, 2005). Lakes are often home to a variety of unique animal and plant organisms, as such it is important as  a means of biological regeneration promoting tourism activities.

Lakes can be the reservoirs of drinking and water also occupies an important place in fisheries management. The issues mentioned above should be regulated in accordance with the guidelines of the United Nations (Making tourism, 2005).

Over the years a number of tourism establishments based on beautiful lake scenery, rich bird and animal diversity and diverse luxuriant vegetation have been developed along the shores and on various islands.

They comprise beaches, resorts, hotels, camping sites, botanical gardens and conservation areas with activities ranging from water jet skiing and canoeing to sun bathing and nature walks (Ntiba et al. 2001, LVEMP 2005).

Tourism management and planning in lake regions is crucial given that the lacustrine environments are ecologically sensitive and demand high levels of management and coordination between users (Cooper 2006).

The impact of tourism on the lake environments is mainly a function of the visitor numbers, type of activities they engage in and the nature of the lake environment itself and also the creation of jobs, increase income and standard of living.

The impacts have been substantial along lakes in the peri urban areas of large urban populations and in lake areas within day-tripping distance from the urban conurbations (Hall and Harkonen 2006).

However, in order to attract tourists, lake tourism destinations must have suitable infrastructure, that is, water trails and other tourist-related services, which support the use of lakes for touristic purposes.

The infrastructure also enhances the development opportunities of tourism businesses where these lakes are located. Thus, infrastructure is a central factor in terms of both destination development and development of small tourism enterprises (Goeldner et al. 2000; Lerner, Haber 2000).

In the developed nations of the world today, Australian continent is rich in Lakes. It is estimated that the total area of lakes and wetlands is about 81,000 square kilometers, of which nearly 20,000 square kilometers of Lakes and wetlands is situated in Kakadu National Park (A directory… 2001).

Therefore tourism depends mostly on natural resources such as water, Lakes, fauna and flora. These resources influence the potential attraction of destination and has made economical development possible in this region were the Lake is found.

The less developed nations of the world are not left out from the benefits of lakes in the development of tourism in their respective country and increase in GDP. Lake Victoria which covers an area of 68,800km, is the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world, with an average depth of 40 meters and a shoreline length of 3,440 kms.

The Lake is shared by three of the East African countries: Uganda (45%), Kenya (6%) and Tanzania (49%) With approximately 30 million people living within its catchment area (Ntiba et al. 2001), people

carry out a number of economic activities such as (fishing, agriculture, forestry, transport and tourism). The Lake’s natural resources in terms of its waters and immense biodiversity base, has promoted tourism growth and speeded economic development and can account for one f the most visited Lakes in Africa and serve not only the people of East Africa, but also the world in general (Ntiba et al. 2001).

Cameroon is equally endowed with numerous lakes of varied shapes and sizes that has promoted tourism and increase job creation opportunity and improve standard of living and have been classified into 4 groups namely ,Crater lakes, created by volcanic activities.

The largest are: lakes Barombi, Baleng, Oku, Nyos, Wum, Awing, Bambili, Tyson, Mbalong and two others in mount Manenguba. furthermore the exist tectonic plates: they are created in large depressions formed by tetonic movements occurring within the earth crust.

Typical examples are the seven lakes of Ossa, Lake Dissoni and lake Efagani and not leaving out Basin lakes that are formed from basins such as Lake Fiango, and Lake chad. Artificial lakes: there are large quantities of water collected by dams constructed for one reason or the other (hydroelectric energy, irrigation, water supply etc.).

Examples are Bamendjim, Mbakwon, Lagdo, Mape and Songlonlon on the Sanaga.Lastly, there exist lagoons formed by accumulation of sand found on the Wouri and Ndian Basins and on the vast plains of the North washed by the Lagoon.

Also, are the municipal lakes of Yaoundé and Dschang that have been created to decorate the towns and has attracted visitors at both the local and international level leading to the development of tourism ( Therefore the study will examine the potentials of Lake Barombi-Mbo in the development of tourism in Kumba.

1. 2 Statement of the problem

Lake tourism is one of the fastest growing form of ecotourism around the world today , with its attractiveness and different recreational activities it provide to visitors. However, the poor development of this Lake in Kumba has been a major challenge to this industry and the town of Kumba whereby, the poor transport system has been a major setback  discouraging tourist to visit the Lake creating a characteristic of high degree of seasonality and often visitor access to lake Barombi-Mbo is limited to dry season months, which is the peak period of biological activity for the local fauna but the poor terrain of the road cauterized by slippery nature of roads  filled with mud act as a setback for the exploitation of this rich volcanic lake for tourism development by inhabitants.

Furthermore,  the lack of applicable laws, environmental protection such as laws against pollution of the lake. over fishing  that has lead to over-exploitation of the lakes, causing the issue of slow growth of tourism promotion in Kumba by the lake is mainly as a result of most of the different species of fishes found in the lake are extinct through pollution of the water  and over fishing discouraging visitors to constantly visit the environment.

Also the unsustainable management of the Lake is another key issue due to the absence of employee, who are skilled in the domain of tour guiding, using new communication technology to market this Lake and hostility of the locals towards tourist, has led to the poor record of visitors to this lake and there by contributing a little in the development of tourism in this area as there exist no employee to offer services to visitors.

Furthermore the current socio-political unrest in the region were this lake is located has been deem unsafe for tourist to visit and as such the Lake is unable to promote tourism development in the town of Kumba as visitors think of their safety first before visiting.

Again the outbreak of Covid-19 restricting travel around the world could account for the Lake not promoting tourism development in Kumba.

1.3 Research Questions

1) What are the potentials  of Lake Barombi-Mbo for the development of tourism in Kumba ?

2) What role does Lake Barombi-Mbo plays in the development of tourism in Kumba ?

3)What are some of the challenges affecting the exploitations of  these potential found at Lake  Barombi-Mbo for the development of tourism  in Kumba?

4) What are the possible available strategies that can be used to better explore these potentials for tourism development in Kumba ?

1.4 Research Objective

1.4.1 General Objective

The study seeks to investigate the potentials found at the Barombi-Mbo Lake for the development of tourism in Kumba.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

  • To identify the potentials found at the Barombi-Mbo Lake for the development of tourism in Kumba
  • To assess the role of the Barombi-Mbo Lake for the development of tourism in Kumba
  • To examine the challenges plaguing the exploitations of these potential found at the Barombi-Mbo Lake for the development of tourism in Kumba
  • To propose strategies that can be put in place to better explore these potentials for tourism development in Kumba
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