Our Services

Topic Development

We assist students on how to fashion a topic that will make people want to pick up their thesis, dissertations, research papers and read them. Using our vast experience and knowledge, we have created a repository of topic ideas in Law, Public Administration, Linguistics, Public Law, economics, finance, accounting, international relations, sociology, marketing, education etc.

Development service

Before embarking on writing final project you need to write a proposal. Once the proposal is approved by the dissertation committee you can proceed to write the final project. Our able proposal writers’ assists students write proposals that convince the dissertation committee that you can undertake the project.

Academic Writing Services

We write Thesis or projects that blows the mind of anyone who reads it (setting questions, doing chapterisation, finding sources, doing surveys and administering questionnaires, with good writing skills and oral presentation). Schools, colleges, universities and other institutions of learning always require professional writing services. Expert writing is needed in writing dissertations, essays, research papers, research, exams, concept maps, curricula development, course works and many other teaching and educational materials. Buy custom projects/essays from the professional academic writing Company.

Data analysis services

Are you looking to pay someone to analyze data for you? At RKCS we run a reputable data analysis service. We assist students and businesses get insights and derive meaningful information from their data by deploying statistical and mathematical techniques. Our data analysts use the following statistical programs that include RStudios, SAS, STATA, MATLAB, SPSS and AMOS. We are conversant with both descriptive and inferential statistics making us the most suited professionals to help with data analysis

Business plans help

Looking for a professional or academic business plan from cheap business plan writers online? We run a professional custom business plan writing service staffed with highly experienced writers with in-depth research and business plan writing skills. Our vast experience in finance, strategy, marketing and accounting comes in handy when preparing marketing strategy, operational plans, financial projections and implementation plans.

Copy Editing & Proofreading Services

Errors infect your content with sickness. Your clients, web visitors and all types of audience hate typos. To create a long lasting impression on your clients, you must perfect your work. If you are not confident presenting your work before professionals, then you need expert editing and proofreading. Or work is to provide quality copyediting which communicates your ideas coherently.

Blog Writing Services

Your website needs a nice blog. The blog is your platform of strengthening your relationship with customers. The blog attracts prospects and helps you gain more credibility as an industry expert. A well-maintained blog helps your website rank high in search engines. Let the experts design your blog and write high-quality blog posts for you.

Cover Letter Writing Service

Do you want to stand out from the rest of the candidates when looking for a job? You need a custom cover letter. Nothing speaks more about you than a cover letter. It is useless to apply for a job without a cover letter. Beat the competitors today by getting a professional cover letter.

Resume Writing Service

Resumes can make or break your career. Just because you know how to write does not make you a resume writer. At Cute Writers, we craft resumes for high profile individuals and they have testified of the power of our words. Do you want your resume to get noticed? Get professional resume writing services.

Other Services

We shall educate you on why this Thesis/project is probably the most important part of your degree

How to do the reflections that helps you determine a captivating topic

How to write a Thesis or project that blows the mind of anyone who reads it (setting yourself questions, doing chapterisation, finding sources, doing surveys and administering questionnaires, writing skills and oral presentation)

With Research-key, you shall write with passion and flair and produce a document that is linguistically irreproachable

As a Masters or degree student , you need to think completely out of the box (in fact to discard the box altogether) so that you produce a piece of writing that will speak volumes about you and your capacity to do research, to write and to think critically and innovatively

We write papers that aren’t  just a string of words on a page, but rather something that is grounded in reality; that addresses a burning contemporary question; that is not boring but rather disturbs and troubles who ever reads it; that is alive with meaning and that will make a difference to the world around you

There is nothing shameful about the fact that you need assistance with Thesis, Data analysis, Research project and term paper. With scholarly writing, most students get support. Since these are totally private programs, you don’t realize that when you get stuck with a report, your colleagues employ competent authors.

Here is some good news for you: at any time, Research-key is available! We employed writers with degrees in social sciences, Law, chemistry, philosophy, finance, communications, Public Administration, International relations, Political science, Journalism and mass communication and any other field you could think of. The members of our team have outstanding writing talents, unlike the rest of the individuals. Their job is to provide students with Thesis Writing Assistance and term paper writing assistance, and they love doing what they do.

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