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Malaria is one of the main public health problems in the world and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is among the countries with a very high burden of malaria, with the coastal and forest regions carrying the highest burden of the disease. The study seeks to determine the participants’ perception about malaria in Northwest region, Cameroon specially by evaluating the  respondents’ knowledge on malaria and to determine the  respondents knowledge about the causative agent of malaria and the vector of malaria. The study was carried out in Bamenda and Bambili. The study was a cross sectional survey which made used of quanlitative data. The data was analysed usingdescriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS.v.20. Furthermore, the results revealed that there is a positive and strong correlation between Knowledge and risk factors of malaria at r = 0.746, this relationship was statistically significant at 1% level. Furthermore, there was a strong and Positive relationship between Parasites of malaria and risk factors associated with malaria at r = 0.865. As recommendations, Parents should continuously be sensitized on the benefits of sleeping under insecticide treated nets, avoid standing waters beside the houses. Also parentsshould clear bushes around places of residence. Lastly, Comparative studies should been carried out across the different divisions of northwest region to document which region has the highest number of children suffering with malaria.

Keywords: Knowledge, risk factors, malaria, North west region Cameroon.



1.0 Background

Malaria is the most prevalent mosquito-borne parasitic disease throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. An estimated 228 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide in 2018, accounting for nearly 405,000 deaths from malaria globally, compared to 416 000 estimated deaths in 2017, and 585,000 in 2010, of which 94% were in WHO African region (WHO, 2019).Malaria is one of the main public health problems in the world and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Worldwide, malaria incidence has significantly decreased between 2010 and 2017, from 71 to 57 cases per 1000 of the population at risk (WHO, 2019). In 2018, worldwide, there were approximately 405,000 deaths from malaria, a decrease from 416,000 deaths in 2017. Children were more vulnerable compared to other age groups where they accounted for 67% of all global malaria deaths (272,000) in 2018 (WHO, 2019). The infectious disease is most prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa and in India, as 19 countries from Sub-Saharan Africa and India disproportionately carried 85% of the global malaria burden (WHO, 2019). In the tropics and sub-tropics, the disease is rampant and has received much attention over the years due to its impact on public health (Autinoet al. 2012). In 2013, malaria cases were estimated at 198 million and 584,000 deaths worldwide, 90% of which occurred in Africa (WHO 2014).


However, Cameroon remains among 11 countries that account for 92% of the malaria infection

in sub-Saharan-Africa (Massodaet al., 2018). The disease is endemic in Cameroon with the level of endemicity varying from one ecological zone to another. The WHO African Region was home to 93% of malaria cases and 94% of malaria deaths in 2018. A previous study revealed that malaria has the most widespread impact ongrowth and development in the tropical and equatorial areas of the developing countries (Aikins, 1995). In fact, malaria remains prevalent in Cameroon with an estimated annual malaria suspected cases being roughly 3.3-3.7 million in health services (Doumbe-Belisseet al., 2018).

The Ministry of Public Health in Cameroon reported that malaria causes 30 to 35% of overall mortality and 67% of annual childhood mortality (Jatoet al., 2017). Insecticide treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) have both been demonstrated to reduce malaria (Bhattet al., 2015) and, to date, are the methods mainly used for controlling malaria vectors and associated malaria transmission (John et al., 2018).Nevertheless, long lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) are the major and most promising components of the selective vector control strategies (WHO, 2019), and it is the major malaria control measure used by the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health to fight against the disease and its vector.


1.1 Problem Statement

Globally, malaria in recent years has witnessed a decline in the number of cases and death, though the most recent world malaria report shows a slight decrease in the number of cases in 2018 compared to 2017 and, increase in 2017 compared to 2016. Africa remains the region with the greatest burden of the disease. Cameroon is among the countries with a very high burden of malaria, with the coastal and forest regions carrying the highest burden of the disease.

Malaria risk factors are recording a progressing increasein the human  world. Pregnant women and children remain the most vulnerable when it comes to malaria infections and can results to deformations or death in most cases. The rate of malaria infestations in Cameroon is here in forest zones than the none-forest zones.Malaria is na disease of great public health importance in Cameroon. The high burden of this diseases may indicates a look of knowledge on different aspects about the disease. This study was designed to assess participants knowledge on different aspects on this diseases. Such an information is important in planning control and preventive measures against the disaeses.

1.2 Research questions

1.2.1 Main research question

  • What are the participants perception about Malaria ?

1.2.2 Specific research questions

  • What is the respondents knowledge about Malaria

  • Do the respondents know the causative agents and the vector of malaria?

1.3 Research objectives

1.3.1 Main research objective

  • To determined the participants perception about Malaria

1.3.2 Specific research objectives

  • To evaluate respondents knowledge on maalaria.

  • To determined respondents knowledge about the causative agent of malaria and the vector of malaria .

1.4 Research hypothesis

Null hypothesis

  • H0:Participantsdonot have any knowledge on malaria
  • Ha:Participants have any knowledge on malaria

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