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This report is based on one-month internship program in order to have knowledge about the legal profession, Composition of courts, their various jurisdictions, the conduct of lawyers ,their dressing code and skills in the legal profession.IT also has to deal with the objectives of internship ,shortcomings recommendation and conclusion

1.1 General Introduction

Course law 496, entitled ” Court in Action ” has an objective to enable final year students to acquaint themselves with the practical procedures that have to do with litigation. It also intends to introduce Students to the practical part of the theory they have been studying in class. This course comprises of two parts.
This course essentially entails the inteship program done by students during holidays. In this regard, the students are expected to enroll in any law firm or chamber of his or choice. During which students are obliged to study for one a month Period.
This is the practical aspect of legal theory. Thereafter, the students are expected to produce and internship report which shall be signed by the head of their respective chambers or law firms.
1.2 What is Internship
This is an English common law-oriented program which requires the equipment of students of law with the practical realities of the legal profession. It can either be referred to as binding of the gap between the classroom and courtroom. It inspires the understanding of the practical aspect of law and how it relates with the theory.
1.3 The Law Firm
1.3.1 Definition of a Law Firm
A law firm is a business entity formed by one of more lawyers to engage in the practice of the law. The primary services rendered by law firm are to advice clients about their legal rights and responsibilities. It is a partnership between lawyers who come together to offer their expertise to clients under one name. this partner shares the profit of the firm as well as the risk.
Meanwhile. in a law, chambers is a room or office used by Barristers or judge. Chambers are rooms used by barristers or group of barristers. A judge’s Chambers, on the other hand is the office of a judge, where the judge may hear certain types of cases instead of the open court.
1.4 Functions
The primary service they provide is that they advise the client, whether they are individuals or companies, about anything concerning law. This means that their advice is mostly about their client legal rights and responsibilities. They may represent their clients in cases, weather in a criminal or civil case.
Their services go beyond just as they can represent clients during business transactions and other matters which legal assistance is needed.
They have various roles are their services works in many ways. they can present you during a wrongful death case and make sure you are healing.
1.5 Objectives of Internship
 Internship is aimed at exposing students to actual legal practice. students are therefore sent to the field to experience what legal practice is all about
 Expose the students to the environmental and expectations of performance on the part of lawyers in the precincts of the legal profession or government entities
 To have a sound and balanced argumentative and advocacy skills
 to acquire a sound technique of examination or witnesses in court.
 To discover my strength and weaknesses, areas I excel and ones that need improvement.
 To gain full knowledge of the criminal justice system and how each section relates to the other. For example, Lawyers, probation, and police.
 To see how theoretical knowledge acquired in school can help me in the practical field
 To expand my knowledge on the legal profession by understanding the legal profession by understanding the legal system and to learn how the court system operate.
– To learn how and the format of drafting legal documents and file cases in the appropriate court having the jurisdiction over the matter
1.6 Aims of Internship

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