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This researcher examines the prospects and problem of internal control in bank, using Union Bank Plc Murtala Muhammed way llorin as a case study. Forty four (44) staff of the bank were randomly sampled.

A questionnaire was design to collect data from respondents, simple percentage, chi-square test and average total weighted response (AWTR) to analyze the data collected. The study revealed that internal control system is effective in Union Bank Plc, it was also found out that the purpoled factor are militating against internal control system. Level of management and gender does not affect responses of the respondent on factors that are militating against internal controls system.

However, working experience and education qualification of respondent affect the response of the respondent on factors that are militating against internal control system. The recommendations were proffered and these are:
I. The management should daily with the factor militating
against internal control system if the internal control is to be more effective.
II. Appointment of personnel to a particular work should be base on working experience and educational qualification
III. The bank should appoint right people into the bank when they want to employ people.
Iv. There should be training of all personnel of the
bank so that this will improve their skills,
v. Also internal control system should be review
regularly, so that if there is problem, it can be corrected.




Banks are very important in any nation; they are the backbone f the nation’s economy. Function of banks according to Ezeudiji (1997), including money creation, acceptance of deposit from the customers, provision of facilities for domestic and foreign remittance, help government in implementing monetary policies e.t.c.

According to Benaijee (2001) internal control system is whole system of control, financial and otherwise established by the government in order to carryon business of the enterprises in an orderly manner, ensure adherence to management policies safeguarding the assets and ensure as far as possible the completeness and accuracy of accounting records”.

The function of internal control system includes the detection of error, early detection of fraud and protection or safeguarding of business assets but despite the fact that all banks have internal control system, there have been a lot of problems in the banking sector. Ranging from bank liquidating to defrauding the banks, many banks have been liquidated example of such bank include Savannah bank Plc, National Bank Plc (although it is now being resuscitated) merchant bank Nigeria limited. Nigeria international bank limited to mention few.

According to Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) annual report over (N16,billion) sixteen billion naira was defrauded from the banking sector, also recently a bank was suspended from the cleaning system by the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) because of mis-management of banks resources expert have given reasons as to what causes banks distress. According to Exeudiyi (1997) one of the   causes   of  bank   distress   is  the   internal   control   system problems include poor or lack proper authorization of loan and contract, poor loan recovery, failure to collect proper collateral security, management override the control e.t.c.

According to Koroye (1989). It a bank interval control (detective in any significant way. then) that audit should be decline outright or opinion must qualified as strictly as possible. It is because of two main reasons.

(1)       Banking transaction are very prone to fraud

(2)       The   auditor will   take forever  action   to  vouch  the transaction to obtain substantive audit transaction.


Internal control system many organization, including bank is very   important   because   it  ensures  orderliness,   in  the organization, advance to management policies, early detection of error and fraud, protection of assets e.t.c internal control system problems have led to closure of many banks in Nigeria, Ezeudiji   (1997)   thereby   making   depositors   customer   to shareholder of such banks to loss his or her shares.  It is inimical to nations economy because provide 90% of the capital employed in Nigeria. Due to the following problem it leads to the following questions.

Does bank operation carried out in any orderly manner, and follow the procedure laid down? Does transactions recorded accurately and correctly?.



The   study   is   very   important   nowadays   were   federal government and state government has striving  hard to woo investor in Nigeria. Since foreign investor will not invest in any country where there is no good banking sector. The study will be of immense benefit to banks determine the extent to which internal control system is effective. In addition the study would determine the factor problem militating against the success of internal control in banks so that solution proffer to it. The study will be of immense help because most of the funds requires by Nigerians  are  provided  by  banks also  anything that affects banking   sector   also   affect   many   others   sectors   such   as agriculture and economy sector of the nations

The study will be useful for further research in related topic.


The following hypotheses form the framework for carrying out this study.

Ho 1: The internal control system is not significantly

effective  in union bank plc.

Ho 2: The factors are not significantly militating

 against     Interval control system ri union bank plc Ho3:   There   is   no   significance   do   not  significantly  effect responses on factors militating against internal control system in union bank plc

Ho 4: working experience do not significantly effect responses on factors militating against internal control system in union bank plc.

Ho   5:   level   of   management   on   the   respondent   does   not significantly affect the responses on factors militating against internal control system in union bank plc.

Ho 6: The academic qualifications of the respondent do not significantly affect their responses on factors militating against internal control system in union bank plc.


The objectives of the study are:

  1. To find out if there is internal control in union bank plc
  2. To investigate the effectiveness of internal control system in union bank plc

 iii.      To find out factors that affect internal control system in           union bank plc

  1. To suggest   way   to   improve   internal    control   system effectiveness in union bank plc
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