Research Key

The Impact of Terrorism on Global Security Case Study of Al Qaeda

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Political Science
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International: $20
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Terrorism is not a recent issue; it has been practiced by individuals and groups for many years, primarily for political objectives. However, these terrorist organizations’ actions will often weaken a state’s ability to provide security because of their activities. The health and safety of its residents. Using Terrorism is not a recent issue; it has been practiced by individuals and groups for many years, primarily for political objectives. However, these terrorist organizations’ actions will often weaken a state’s ability to provide security because of their activities. The study takes Al-Qaeda as a case study, a group that has been around for more than 20 years, and focuses on their terrorist acts, such as the bombings of the Bali nightclub and train stations in Madrid and London in 2005. Overall, from an economic, psychological, and societal perspective. More specifically, the study used qualitative research to examine the topic of this research effort in order to attain its goal.




The focus on terrorism has received widespread recognition from researchers, academics, professionals, the government, and the worldwide community. Prior to the September 11th, 2001 catastrophe, its origins can be traced all the way back to the 20th century. The international community’s top development-related issue for global security was terrorism. Today, terrorism is recognized as a problem that threatens every country on the planet and a barrier to the growth of social institution defined by the rule of law.

It is true to say that terrorism is a relatively new occurrence, partly due to current events. Whatever the case, terrorist actions have occurred for hundreds of years. Three terrorist organizations existed which are the things, also known as Hindus, the Assassin, also known as Muslims, and the Zealots, who are Jews, existed hundreds of years ago. This proves that terrorism has existed since the Roman Empire. However, terrorism is not a phenomenon that is brought about by extreme consideration from modern media; for example, the Assassins did not need the media to reach audiences and reveal their plans because their victories were achieved by killing in favored places and royal courts, which  typically happen on blessed days.

Terrorism is thought to have been fuelled by nationalism, nonconformity, communist ideology, bigotry, agnosticism, and financial stability between the latter half of the 1960s and the latter half of the 1980s. On account of its religious nature, it is argued that the current upsurge in terrorist activities in the present can be seen. Because of the group’s energy, the number of terrorist recruiting at religious gatherings has increased since the beginning of 1980. Some scholars believe that religious- based groups are more dangerous than terrorist organizations as a whole since they have a religious motivation, due to the global expansion of extreme fundamentalism, while some scholars cannot help but disagree with this, stating that the ebb and flow sort of terrorism is not new and not specifically associated with religion, they cannot help but disagree that they have no wish to leave large losses onto individuals

As a result of its connection to political and religious causes, terrorism serves as a major contributor to global insecurity. When terrorist acts are associated with a particular religion, the system of state sovereignty is put in jeopardy. It is well recognized that the use of terrorism entails an effort to undermine both the idea of sovereignty and the very framework of the state system. Although most countries are far from helpless, we live in a world that is quickly becoming into a small village, often known as globalization.


For a very long time, terrorism has been a major problem. Terrorism is defined by the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Term as the deliberate use of unlawful violence to inspire fear, to terrify government or social orders in the pursuit of goals that are typically political, religious, or ideological.

 Throughout the entire world, terrorism has been a big problem. Keeping in mind that terrorist operation will often weaken a state’s ability to provide the wellbeing and security of its population, it is important to highlight the reality. All people have greatly suffered the effect of terrorism. The attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, showed that even the most impressive nation and significant members of the international order are affected by terrorism.

Using Al_ Qaeda as a case study, it can be seen that the organization has existed for some time and has been involved in a variety of operations, including the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States, in 2004 and 2005 bombings of Madrid and London train stations, the bombing of the Bali nightclub, and others.  It has had an impact on society, psychology, and the economy of the general Masses

Furthermore, it’s critical to emphasize how people constantly play a crucial role in terrorism, whether it’s through murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking, or the use of violence. All of this causes people’s memories to frequently conjure up painful and unpleasant experiences.  This research concentrates on this issue and, with the aid of the subsequent research questions, identify a method to control and reduce terrorist act.


Main Question

  1. How has Al Qaeda as a terrorist group affected global security?

  Subsidiary Question

  1. What mechanism can help reduce the impact of terrorism on global security?
  2. What are the challenges in combating global terrorism?


Main Objective

 The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of terrorism on global security with reference to Al- Qaeda.

Subsidiary Objectives

  1. Another objective is to check the mechanisms put in places to combat terrorism.
  2. To understand the major challenges in combating terrorism in combatting terrorism.


Main Hypotheses

 Al Qaeda has had a negative impact on the world at large and Afghanistan and Pakistan in particular.

Subsidiary Hypothesis

1 The global war on terrorism has been very effective in combating terrorism

2 Contemporary terrorism has no standard form of operation so it is very difficult to detect terrorist movements


This research is important for the understanding of terrorism and worldwide security and will add to the body of knowledge already available on terrorism and global security.

This study will also look at how Al Qaeda has promoted countries to strengthen their security policies.

This study will show terrorism has affected the relationships between states and their security as a whole.

The study will bring out some mechanisms to combat terrorism or to fight against terrorism which is also known as the war on terrorism.


Al Qaeda is a terrorist group which is found in many countries, but our main focus will be Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Geographically, Afghanistan is a landlocked mountainous country located on the Iranian plateau at the crossroad of Central Asia and South Asia.  In 2021, the population size of Afghanistan was about 40,99462million people. While Pakistan is situated at the crossroads of the Middle East and Asia. It is bordered by Iran and Afghanistan on the west, china on the north and the Arabian Sea on the south.  This study will seek to examine the terrorist activity of this group from 2001 to present. During this period, several terrorist activities have been going by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


In the cause of this research several limitations have been encounter, like the time constrain.  The research will need a lot of time and dedication, which is not feasible given that it will be combined with other academic work.

Again, lack of funds or insufficient funds is a problem in carry out this research. This is due to the fact that the study deals mostly with secondary data and enough data is needed to download materials online. More to that some article and books online need to be purchase before you can access them; it is difficult to get accurate materials because ton of works online are biased.


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