Research Key


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This study examined perception of secondary school students in Ilorin metropolis on the causes of delinquent behaviors.

The population of the study consisted of all secondary school students in Ilorin metropolis.
Two hundred (200) respondents were randomly selected from the population, which include 100 J.S.S students and 100 S.S.S students.

The instrument used for the study was a structured questionnaire with fifteen (15) items.
The results of the study revealed that age, gender, class level and religion significantly influence secondary school students’ perception of the causes of delinquent behavior.
It was therefore recommended that, government should implement sanctions on students who engage in deviant behaviors by disrupting the peace of the school.

Finally, more counsellors should be trained and posted to all secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis to help in controlling students with delinquent behaviors.

Background to the Study
Every society wants its members to be well behaved and crime free, but seems to elude most societies, irrespective of age, sex, class level etc. One type or the other crimes are being committed. However, the general belief is that crime rate is more among the adolescent.

These types of crimes are referred to as delinquent acts.

According to Helen (2001) delinquency means repeated act of a kind which when committed by a person beyond the statutory juvenile court age of eighteen is punishable as crimes.

Viewed symptomatically delinquent behavior, whatever specific form it may take, has common denominator of maladaptation of the individual to the demands of a social code, be it to the rules of family life, school life in the society which is protected by a system of laws. Delinquency as a concept is subject to many definitions.

It is a concept that has a legal origin but it is presently used in other spheres like education, social welfare etc. Antsier (1987) defines delinquency as a legal concept.

The concept also is referred to as juvenile delinquency.
Juvenile delinquency, as pointed out by Anusiem (1987) is used to refer to young persons between 16 and 18 years of aged who exhibit behaviors which is not consistent with law that is punishable by law if committed by adults.

Delinquency from all the definitions mentioned above refers to behavior of non-adult individuals in the society which are judged by the society as bad juvenile delinquency on the other hand, refers to be any act on behavior by individuals under the age of 18years which goes contrary to the law of the land.

These delinquencies, if not checked, may get to unmanageable level and the society will be loosing and living in fears.

There is need to attempt to identify forms of delinquent behaviors.

To elaborate more on these, some delinquent behaviors include murder, drug abuse, assault aggression, vandalism, burglary, robbery, rape, sexual promiscuity, alcoholism, smoking truancy, examination malpractice, and cultism to mention a few.

Some of the factors that contribute to student delinquent behaviors include family tension, broken homes, rejection and disciplinary approaches.
Delinquency brings about social exclusion such anti-social behavior and nuisance behavior causes harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household.

There is more turn outs of thugs in the society today, which made people to live in fear, and this affect people’s engagement with the society as a whole.
One of the major effects is that, there is no peaceful atmosphere. Since the society is full of unsocialised, aggressive delinquents.

Delinquent acts exposes adolescent to enter a period of aimless loafing and drifting and indiscriminate seeking for excitement and pleasure which invariably leads them to delinquent behaviors.

It also leads to family disorganizations and ineffective socialization and this poor school adjustment. Another condition that gives rise to delinquent behavior includes background of the family. When family fail to perform their duty it affects the child.
Socio-economic status of parents also contributes it child’s delinquency when what is required by the child can not be provided by parents due to financial problems. Peer group also is another contributor to delinquent behavior.

The type of friend a child moves with will have either negative or positive effects on the child.
Lastly mass media is another societal condition that contributes to high rate of delinquent behaviour. Some pornographic pictures, films and other reading materials that do not promote good morals.

Statement of the Problem
Every society has a dream of being peaceful. It wants its members to be well behaved and crime free.

Today, delinquent behaviors have become the order of the day in secondary school.

Although both young and old commit one type of crime or the other irrespective of sex but adolescent engage more avoidable crimes of various types and consequences.

The crimes are emerging and the ugly situation has affected the academic performance of students in various level of educational system.
According to Bernneth and Dalton (2001) delinquency behavior brings about frustration and depression which lead to poor academic performance and eventually drops out.

The school is one of the social agencies that directly affect the child.

The school therefore posses enormous time for influencing the behavior of the child.
However, it is an undisputable fact that delinquency behavior is common in every larger society like Ilorin Kwara State.

Therefore, there is need to investigate the causes of delinquent behavior in Ilorin metropolis.

There have been lots of crimes which have resulted in death of many innocent students (Okoh 2000).

These have been as a result of delinquent behavior.

This study sought to identify the cause of delinquency behaviors of secondary school students in Ilorin Metropolis.

Research Questions
The following research questions were asked to guide the study
1. What is the perception of secondary school students on these causes of delinquent behavior?
2. To what extent would age of the students influence their perception of causes of delinquent behavior?
3. To what extent would students’ class level influence their perception of causes of delinquent behavior?
4. To what extent does gender of the students influence their perception of causes of delinquent behavior?

Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses are derived from the statement of the problem.
1. There is no significant difference in the perception of secondary school student on causes of delinquent behavior on the basis of age.
2. There is no significant difference in the perception of secondary school student on causes of delinquent behavior on the basis class lave.
3. There is no significant difference in the perception of secondary school student on causes of delinquent behavior on the basis of gender.
4. There is no significant difference in the perception of secondary school student on causes of delinquent behavior on the basis of religion.

Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate secondary school students’ perception of the cause of delinquent behaviors in Ilorin metropolis.

Specifically the study will find out the influence of age, class level and gender of secondary school students’ on their perception of causes of delinquent behavior.

Significance of the Study
The significance of the study lies on the fact that this study will give more insight on delinquent behavior of students in secondary school in Ilorin metropolis.

The school administration, member of school community and government will able to understand the causes of this behavior among students.
Parents and teachers will join the guidance counselor in monitoring their children to be good Nigerians.

The study also attempts to reveal to students the implication of the delinquent behaviors and create the awareness of what the society requires from them as leaders of tomorrow.

Parents and teacher should also learn to be good models.
Lastly, this study will be beneficial in confirming the asserters and in alerting parents, students, teachers and counselor on the damage posed by this delinquent behaviours.

Operational Definition of Terms
Behavior: An action which is seen or observed in an objective ways.
Cultism: A horrifying activities in the secondary school or tertiary institutions.
Delinquency: Bad or Criminal behavior usually of young people.
Examination Malpractice: An act of cheating during examination that is not conforms to the rule and regulation guiding the exams.
Juvenile Delinquency: Behavior exhibits by young persons between 16-18years of age which is not consistent with law.
Robbery: An act of taken money or goods in possession of another person by force or intimidation.
Truancy: A person who is habitually absent from school without good reasons.


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