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Communication is vital part of human existence, as long as there is life, human being perpetually seeking to be heard and understood to look around us today, human being are always interacting with one another.
The person wishing to be heard and understood is the sender of the message.

He generates meaning by encoding the message in a way he thanks it would be understood.

The person who is the target of the message is the receiver.

He listens to the messages, decodes, attributes meanings to it and sends feedbacks to the sender depending on the meaning he attributes to the message.
This is why communication has been described as the process of generating and attributing meanings in an organization setting, nothing can be achieved without communication, because organization exists to accomplish goals that a single individual cannot tackle.

It is then compulsory for interaction of all sorts to take place on organization.
Communication in organization is the transfer of information between manager and his staff.

It is a necessary process in directing the efforts of others towards the achievement of results.

If management entails getting things done through people, communication is the essence of it, for without effective communication no one would know what they are supposed to be doing, Nor would there be any basis for answering questions solving problems, obtaining feedback or measuring result.
Communication in management like other sphere of life is very vital.

It is said that successful communication is the end to misunderstanding and aided by good morale, which could lead to increase in productivity and co-operation among the managers and their workers.
It is imperatives to state that success or failure of any organization depends on how well effective communication is practiced.

Some organisation are not developing due to ineffective communication process practiced.
Negotiations, discussions and conclusions are always taking place at all level of the organization among laborers at the lowers rank of the ladders, between superiors and subordinates, people on the levels and even at management level.
Communication is thus an essential part of organization setting because business operation would come to a half without it.
Organization development can be considered as an approval to the introduction of planned changed concentrating on the process of change, rather than the content.

It involves a number of behavioral science techniques which are designed to build a more effective organization.
The concept aims to helps the organization gain an insight into its own process.
The increasing need for change led to development organization development, created by change.
a. Technology and labour skills
b. Attitudes of employee
c. Size of organization
d. Need to improve performance.
In developing the above statements, two of the processing does not require communication management.

An “agent of change” is needed to get a catalyst. He may be from inside or outside the organization, without communication this cannot be possible.

The aim is to help the company solve its own problems and focus is on organization at group and inter-personal process.

Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization wide effort to increase an organization effectiveness and viability, Warren Bennis has referred to organization development as a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values and structure of organization so that they can better adapt to new technologies, marketing and challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself.
Organizational development is neither “anything done to better an organization” nor is it “the training function of the organization”, it is a particular kind of change process designed to bring about a particular kind of end result.

Organizational development can involved, interventions in the organization’s ’’process’’ using behavioural well as organizational reflection, system improvement, planning and self-analysis.
Kurt lewin (1898-1947) is widely recognized as the founding father of organizational development although he died before the concept became current in mid- 1950s from lewin came the ideas of group dynamics and action research which underpin the basic organizational development process as well as providing its collaborative consultant/ client ethos. Institutionally, Lewin founded the “Research center for group dynamics “(RCGD) at MIT, which moved to Michigan after his death, RCGD colleagues were among those who founded the National Training Laboratories (NTL) from which the T. group and group-based organizational development emerged.

In the UK the tavistock institute of human Relations was important in developing system theories.

The joint TIHR journal Human relations was an early journal in the field.
The journal of applied behavioural sciences is now the leading journal in the field.
At the core of organization development is the concept of organization, defined as two or more people working together toward one or more shared goal (s). Development in this context is the nation that an organization may become more effective over time at achieving its goals.

Organizational development is a long range effort to improve organization’s problem solving and renewal processes, particularly through more effective and collaborative management of organization culture, often with the assistance of a change agent or catalyst, and the use of the theory and technology of applied for the study and practice of organizational development, new and emerging fields of study have made their presence known.

Experts in systems thinking, leadership studies, organizational leadership studies, organizational leadership, and organizational learning ( to name a few) whose perspective is not stepped in just, the behavioural sciences but a much more multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach have emerged as organizational development catalysts.

The term catalysts is synonymous with the nation of a leader who is emerged in going leadership, a transformative or effectiveness process as opposed to management, a more incremental or efficiency based change methodology.
Organizational development is an ongoing, systematic process to implement effective change in an organization.

Organizational development is known as both a field of applied behavioral science focused on understanding and managing organizational changed and as a field of scientific study and inquiry.

It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology and theories of motivation, learning and personality.

Organizational development is a growing field that is responsive to many new approaches including positive adult development.
The ultimate aim of organizational development practitioners is to “work themselves out of a job” by leaving the client organization with a set of tools, behaviours, attitudes, and an action plan with which to monitor its own state of health and to take corrective steps towards it own renewal and development.
There has been an increase in the rate of industrial conflict today, low response from customer to organization output, low productivity, management of organization funds, production storage, delayed in raw materials supplies and supply of substandard quality raw material, due to ineffective communication process.

The above mentioned problems can lead to total failure of such organization or set back for the organization.
This however, geared the researchers to take up the research work and let the reader know the result of effective communication in organization in organization settings.
The main objectives of this research work is to meet the requirement for the award of higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Administration.

Also, since it is known that communication is the bedrock of any organization, the researchers has then take interest to study how communication as a means of enhancing organizational development.

More so, it is to determine whether communication processes are effectively practiced as a case study of the project work INTERNATIONAL TOBACCO COMPANY (ITC), Ilorin.

This will help a lot to know the value of communication in an organization setting.
Communication has always been and still is an important aspect of daily living.

More than ever before, its importance is heightened by the fact that the whole world is more interrelated than in the past, due to the development of organization.
Most only thus, the amount of industrial unrest that is evident today underscores this point, besides the term generation gap signifies failure in communication between various age groups in the society.
Evidence all around us and our personal experience suggest that effective communication is not easy even though very desirable.

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