Research Key

English Project Topics

EN01Theatre in relation to the English Language
EN02Pronunciation and Intralingual Subtitling in the university Environment
EN03Attitude and the Learning of English Language by Anglophone English Major Students
EN04The Influence of Extensive Reading on Academic Performance of Students
EN05The Use of English and French Idiomatic Expressions by Non-NativeSpeakers: The Case of Bilingual Cameroonians
EN06Investigating Pronunciation Difficulties among English Second Language Learners: The Case of 200 Level Students of the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea.
EN07Some Difficulties Encountered in Written English: The Case of 500 Level Bilingual Students of the University of Buea
EN08Assessing the Impact of the Use of English Program on the Reading Comprehension Skills of ESL Learners. Case Study: Faculty of Arts
EN09The effect of home environment on students performance in secondary schools
EN10The Effects of Pidgin on the Spoken English of Students in Buea: The Case of Form Five and Upper Sixth Students of Government High School, Bokova
EN11The Continual Use of Pidgin English on Campus by Students of the University of Buea, the Case of Level 500 English and French Students
EN12Mastery of Question Tags by ESL Learners; Case Study: Bilingual Letters Students of the University of Buea
EN13The Influence of Mother Tongue on English Language Pronunciation: The Case of Akoose
EN14Interrogation in Spoken English the Case of Medical Staffand Patients of the Biaka Clinic and the General Hospital in Buea
EN15The Use of Interrogation in Spoken English by University of Buea
EN16The Use of English Stress Patterns by Four HundredLevel Students of the English Department in the University of Buea
EN17The Influence of Mother Tongue (Yamba) on the English Language of Students
EN18Punctuation: A Problem to Level 500 Bilingual Students in the University of Buea
EN19Sexism and Language Use in African Written Expressions: The Case of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
EN20The Trend in the Enrolment of Francophone in Anglophones Secondary Schools
EN21The Impact of French to English Translated Billboards on ESL Learners in Cameroon
EN22An Assessment of the Extent of Pidgin English Interference in the English of Students in the University of Buea
EN23An Investigation into the Problems Encountered in Directed Writing
EN24Assessing the Importance of Reading Comprehension Skill to the EFL Learners
EN25Assessing the Importance of Reading Compression Skills to the EFL Learners: Immersion Program at the University of Buea
EN26The Linguistic Analysis of Cardinal Tumi’s Selected Writings
EN27Assessing the Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Learners. The Case of Saint Jerome Catholic University Immersion Students in the University of Buea
EN28Attitudes towards English language learning and language used among secondary school students
EN29English Language Use and Gender in the Religious Contexts. Case Study: The Bible
EN30Secondary School Students Performance in the English Language: The Case of Holiday Classes at St Therese Bilingual Secondary School, Buea
EN31Pidgin as a Unifying Language among Students
EN32pronunciation variation amongst 400 level ESL students of the University of Buea
EN33The Post Assessment of the English Language Proficiency of Level 200 Students in the University of Buea
EN34A Historical and Phonological Reading of English Language Use in Bachuo-Ntai, Manyu Division
EN35The mastery of subject-verb-agreement by level 500 students of the bilingual letters at the University of Buea
EN36English language as the leading language in the world today. A case study of level 400 students in the department of English, University of Buea
EN37Language Use and Identity: The Case of Camfranglais on Cameroonian Music ‘Si Tu Vois Ma Go’ and on the Market Field ‘Mboppi’ in Douala
EN39The Influence of Mungaka on the English Language
EN40The Impact of Students’ Writing Skills on Academic Performance: A Case Study of Level 300 Student of the English Department at the University of Buea
EN41Theatre in Relation to the English Language
EN42The Difficulties Level 200 Anglophone Students of English/French at the University Of Buea Face in Learning the French Language
EN43The Effect of Mungaka on the Second Language Learner of English
EN44Lamso’ As A Deterrent To The Acquisition Of English Language
EN45Full Immersion Bilingualism And Child Education: The Case Of Some Selected Schools In The Mfoundi Division
EN47English Language Use. The Case of Level 400 English Students of the Faculty of Education
EN48Writing Skills and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Analysis of Anglophone and Francophone students in the Faculty of Arts
EN49A Survey of Students Pronunciation of Words with Interdental Fricatives
EN50The impact of Course Book in the Mastery of the English Language: The Case of Senior Primary English Book Six
EN50Mastery of Phrasal Verbs by ESL Learners: A Case Study of 300 Level Students of the Department of English
EN51Mastery of Phrasal Verbs by ESL Learners: A Case Study of 300 Level Students of the Department of English
EN52The Difficulties Level 200 Students face in use of English 101 and 102 at the University of Buea and how to overcome these Difficulties
EN53English Language usage patterns and social status. The case of Molyko
EN54An Evaluation of the Writing Skills of freshmen: The Case of the Faculties of Arts and Education
EN55The Influence of Home Environment on Learners’ Acquisition of English Language: Case of Level 300 Students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN56Pronoun Usage in Secondary Schools: The Case of Form Five Students in G.H.S Bokwango Buea
EN57The Influence of Age on English Language Proficiency: A Comparative Study of Evening and Day Schools in the Buea Municipality
EN58Anglophone Pronunciation of English: The Case of Selected Final Year Students in the English Department of the University of Buea
EN59Billboard Languages: The Case of Malingo Street, Buea
EN60The Impact of Billboards on English Second Language Learning In Buea
EN61The Effect of the Kom Language on the Second Language Learners of English
EN62Written English Problems Faced by Francophone Students as Learners of English as a Foreign Language: The Case of Level 300 Bilingual Students in the University of Buea
EN63Gender Bias in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
EN64Spelling Errors in Students’ Written English: The case of Kings’ Secondary School Limbe
EN65Preposition Usage among Level 300 Students of English Language at the University of Buea
EN66The Significance of Body Language: The case of Mukamba Dance
EN67Tenses and Students’ Performance in Written English: The Case of the Level 200 Students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
EN68The Teaching of Pronunciation to Learners of English as a Second Language at the University
EN69Interest Trends in English Language Usage: The Case of St. Therese International Nursery and Primary School and Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko
EN70The Impact of Social Background on English Language Proficiency: The Case of Some Level 400 Students in the English Department
EN71The Influence of Pidgin English on Written English: The Case of Level 200 Students of Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN72The Effects of Extensive Reading on L2 Language Learners: The Case of Level 300 Students in the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN73Assessing Sentence Types in the Written English of Second Cycle Students: The Case of G.H.S Nkamlikum
EN74Use of Punctuation Marks by Secondary School Students: The Case of Forms Two and Three Students of Government High School Buea
EN75The Relevance of Dictionaries in English Language Learning: The Case of Forms Three, Four and Five Students of G.B.H.S Tombel
EN76The Role of the Woman in the Socio-political Development of the Society in Bate Besong’s Requiem for the Last Kaiser
EN77Problems Students Face in Speaking Correct English: The Case of Form Five Students of Government Bilingual High School, Tombel
EN78English Language Use by Pupils: The Case of Classes Five and Six G.P.S Molyko, Buea
EN79English Language use at work: The case of some Government offices in Yaoundé
EN80The Effects of Auto-Correction on Students’ Written English in the University of Buea
EN81Reasons Why Level 400 Students of the English Programme at the University of Buea are Poor in English Pronunciation
EN82The Use of English Prepositions by Francophone Students in the University of Buea
EN83A Look at the use of reported Speech by final year students of English of the University of Buea; the case of the academic year 2017/2018
EN84The Impact of Cameroonian Pidgin English on the Spoken English of Level 300 Students of the English Department of the University of Buea
EN85The Use of Phrasal Verbs by University of Buea Students: The Case Study of 400 Level Students of the English Department for 2015/2016 Academic Year
EN86Word classes; preposition usage the case of level 400 students at the University of Buea
EN87The Use of English Prepositions by Francophone Students in the University of Buea: Case study
EN88Effect of pidgin English on L2 learners of English language of the University of Buea
EN89The Impact of Emailing (electronic mails) on Students Writing Skills
EN90The Poor Use of Pronunciation Marks by Contributors in some selected Chariot Newspapers at the University of Buea
EN91The Impact of Audio-visual Aids on English as a Foreign Language
EN92Description of English Language Proficiency of level 500 students of the University of Buea who did Intensive English Language Course compare to those who did not
EN93The motivation of learners of the English language at the linguistic Centre Buea
EN94Francophone students’ Mastery of English Phonology: the case of level 400 and 500 Students in the department of English and French of the University of Buea
EN95The Role of the Teacher in English Language Learning the Case of Secondary School Teachers in Great Soppo Buea
EN96Vocabulary mastery and pedagogical problems faced by level 300 English language majors of the University of Buea
EN97Mastery of English Idioms by English language Major in the University of Buea
EN98The influence of Cameroon Pidgin English on the English language use of students
EN99The Use of Lexis in Cameroonian Movies: The Implication of Language Learning
EN100Students Perception of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in Ordinary Level English
EN101Description of English Language Proficiency of Students in the University of Buea
EN102Parents Social Status and the Proficiency of English Second Language Learners at the University of Buea
EN103Language and Social Behavior in School
EN104Assessing the Vocabulary Mastery of English Language Majors at the University of Buea
EN105Spoken English in Primary Schools; the case of class six pupils in government school Muea- Buea
EN106The Mastery of Spelling by the Language Proficiency Student Seeking Admission into the University of Buea
EN107The Influence of Secondary School Students’ Motivation by Teacher on Learners of the English Language Case Study: St. Theresa Holiday Classes
EN108The influence of Cameroon spoken English on spelling
EN109The Use of Punctuation and Mechanics by Forms Four and Five Students of Some Selected schools in the Buea Municipality
EN110English Language in Education, a Threat to African Native Languages. Case Study: The Mokpwe Language of the Bakweri People of the South West Region of Cameroon
EN111The use of stress patterns
EN112The impact of the use of English on the writing skills of ESL learners. Case study: College of Technology (200) at the University of Buea
EN113The Use of Dictionary In Teaching Writing and Speaking; the case of level 300 and 400 students of the English language department
EN114The demise of letter writing with level 500 English and French students at the University of Buea
EN115The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on English Language Learning at the University of Buea
EN116Language Interference: The English Language on the Bafaw language and the Bafaw language on the English Language
EN117Working out meaning in advertorials: The Semantic- Pragmatic Interface in Language used to Advertise Products in Cameroon
EN118The Morph-Implications of English Loan-Words from Africa
EN120The Impact of Art Education on Awareness Campaign Against HIV/AIDS in Secondary Schools in Cameroon North West
EN121The Representation of Persons with Disabilities in Selected African Fiction
EN122The use of ICT in the teaching and learning of oral English in secondary schools in the North West Region
EN123The Role of Home Environment in Second Language Learning
EN125Ambiguity and misunderstanding in written communication as a result of incorrect punctuation
EN127Parents-Teachers Cooperation and its Effects on the Academic Achievement of English Language Students in Secondary Schools in the Buea Municipality

English Project Topics

EN01Theatre in relation to the English Language
EN02Pronunciation and Intralingual Subtitling in the university Environment
EN03Attitude and the Learning of English Language by Anglophone English Major Students
EN04The Influence of Extensive Reading on Academic Performance of Students
EN05The Use of English and French Idiomatic Expressions by Non-NativeSpeakers: The Case of Bilingual Cameroonians
EN06Investigating Pronunciation Difficulties among English Second Language Learners: The Case of 200 Level Students of the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea.
EN07Some Difficulties Encountered in Written English: The Case of 500 Level Bilingual Students of the University of Buea
EN08Assessing the Impact of the Use of English Program on the Reading Comprehension Skills of ESL Learners. Case Study: Faculty of Arts
EN09The effect of home environment on students performance in secondary schools
EN10The Effects of Pidgin on the Spoken English of Students in Buea: The Case of Form Five and Upper Sixth Students of Government High School, Bokova
EN11The Continual Use of Pidgin English on Campus by Students of the University of Buea, the Case of Level 500 English and French Students
EN12Mastery of Question Tags by ESL Learners; Case Study: Bilingual Letters Students of the University of Buea
EN13The Influence of Mother Tongue on English Language Pronunciation: The Case of Akoose
EN14Interrogation in Spoken English the Case of Medical Staffand Patients of the Biaka Clinic and the General Hospital in Buea
EN15The Use of Interrogation in Spoken English by University of Buea
EN16The Use of English Stress Patterns by Four HundredLevel Students of the English Department in the University of Buea
EN17The Influence of Mother Tongue (Yamba) on the English Language of Students
EN18Punctuation: A Problem to Level 500 Bilingual Students in the University of Buea
EN19Sexism and Language Use in African Written Expressions: The Case of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
EN20The Trend in the Enrolment of Francophone in Anglophones Secondary Schools
EN21The Impact of French to English Translated Billboards on ESL Learners in Cameroon
EN22An Assessment of the Extent of Pidgin English Interference in the English of Students in the University of Buea
EN23An Investigation into the Problems Encountered in Directed Writing
EN24Assessing the Importance of Reading Comprehension Skill to the EFL Learners
EN25Assessing the Importance of Reading Compression Skills to the EFL Learners: Immersion Program at the University of Buea
EN26The Linguistic Analysis of Cardinal Tumi’s Selected Writings
EN27Assessing the Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Learners. The Case of Saint Jerome Catholic University Immersion Students in the University of Buea
EN28Attitudes towards English language learning and language used among secondary school students
EN29English Language Use and Gender in the Religious Contexts. Case Study: The Bible
EN30Secondary School Students Performance in the English Language: The Case of Holiday Classes at St Therese Bilingual Secondary School, Buea
EN31Pidgin as a Unifying Language among Students
EN32pronunciation variation amongst 400 level ESL students of the University of Buea
EN33The Post Assessment of the English Language Proficiency of Level 200 Students in the University of Buea
EN34A Historical and Phonological Reading of English Language Use in Bachuo-Ntai, Manyu Division
EN35The mastery of subject-verb-agreement by level 500 students of the bilingual letters at the University of Buea
EN36English language as the leading language in the world today. A case study of level 400 students in the department of English, University of Buea
EN37Language Use and Identity: The Case of Camfranglais on Cameroonian Music ‘Si Tu Vois Ma Go’ and on the Market Field ‘Mboppi’ in Douala
EN39The Influence of Mungaka on the English Language
EN40The Impact of Students’ Writing Skills on Academic Performance: A Case Study of Level 300 Student of the English Department at the University of Buea
EN41Theatre in Relation to the English Language
EN42The Difficulties Level 200 Anglophone Students of English/French at the University Of Buea Face in Learning the French Language
EN43The Effect of Mungaka on the Second Language Learner of English
EN44Lamso’ As A Deterrent To The Acquisition Of English Language
EN45Full Immersion Bilingualism And Child Education: The Case Of Some Selected Schools In The Mfoundi Division
EN47English Language Use. The Case of Level 400 English Students of the Faculty of Education
EN48Writing Skills and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Analysis of Anglophone and Francophone students in the Faculty of Arts
EN49A Survey of Students Pronunciation of Words with Interdental Fricatives
EN50The impact of Course Book in the Mastery of the English Language: The Case of Senior Primary English Book Six
EN50Mastery of Phrasal Verbs by ESL Learners: A Case Study of 300 Level Students of the Department of English
EN51Mastery of Phrasal Verbs by ESL Learners: A Case Study of 300 Level Students of the Department of English
EN52The Difficulties Level 200 Students face in use of English 101 and 102 at the University of Buea and how to overcome these Difficulties
EN53English Language usage patterns and social status. The case of Molyko
EN54An Evaluation of the Writing Skills of freshmen: The Case of the Faculties of Arts and Education
EN55The Influence of Home Environment on Learners’ Acquisition of English Language: Case of Level 300 Students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN56Pronoun Usage in Secondary Schools: The Case of Form Five Students in G.H.S Bokwango Buea
EN57The Influence of Age on English Language Proficiency: A Comparative Study of Evening and Day Schools in the Buea Municipality
EN58Anglophone Pronunciation of English: The Case of Selected Final Year Students in the English Department of the University of Buea
EN59Billboard Languages: The Case of Malingo Street, Buea
EN60The Impact of Billboards on English Second Language Learning In Buea
EN61The Effect of the Kom Language on the Second Language Learners of English
EN62Written English Problems Faced by Francophone Students as Learners of English as a Foreign Language: The Case of Level 300 Bilingual Students in the University of Buea
EN63Gender Bias in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
EN64Spelling Errors in Students’ Written English: The case of Kings’ Secondary School Limbe
EN65Preposition Usage among Level 300 Students of English Language at the University of Buea
EN66The Significance of Body Language: The case of Mukamba Dance
EN67Tenses and Students’ Performance in Written English: The Case of the Level 200 Students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
EN68The Teaching of Pronunciation to Learners of English as a Second Language at the University
EN69Interest Trends in English Language Usage: The Case of St. Therese International Nursery and Primary School and Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko
EN70The Impact of Social Background on English Language Proficiency: The Case of Some Level 400 Students in the English Department
EN71The Influence of Pidgin English on Written English: The Case of Level 200 Students of Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN72The Effects of Extensive Reading on L2 Language Learners: The Case of Level 300 Students in the Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
EN73Assessing Sentence Types in the Written English of Second Cycle Students: The Case of G.H.S Nkamlikum
EN74Use of Punctuation Marks by Secondary School Students: The Case of Forms Two and Three Students of Government High School Buea
EN75The Relevance of Dictionaries in English Language Learning: The Case of Forms Three, Four and Five Students of G.B.H.S Tombel
EN76The Role of the Woman in the Socio-political Development of the Society in Bate Besong’s Requiem for the Last Kaiser
EN77Problems Students Face in Speaking Correct English: The Case of Form Five Students of Government Bilingual High School, Tombel
EN78English Language Use by Pupils: The Case of Classes Five and Six G.P.S Molyko, Buea
EN79English Language use at work: The case of some Government offices in Yaoundé
EN80The Effects of Auto-Correction on Students’ Written English in the University of Buea
EN81Reasons Why Level 400 Students of the English Programme at the University of Buea are Poor in English Pronunciation
EN82The Use of English Prepositions by Francophone Students in the University of Buea
EN83A Look at the use of reported Speech by final year students of English of the University of Buea; the case of the academic year 2017/2018
EN84The Impact of Cameroonian Pidgin English on the Spoken English of Level 300 Students of the English Department of the University of Buea
EN85The Use of Phrasal Verbs by University of Buea Students: The Case Study of 400 Level Students of the English Department for 2015/2016 Academic Year
EN86Word classes; preposition usage the case of level 400 students at the University of Buea
EN87The Use of English Prepositions by Francophone Students in the University of Buea: Case study
EN88Effect of pidgin English on L2 learners of English language of the University of Buea
EN89The Impact of Emailing (electronic mails) on Students Writing Skills
EN90The Poor Use of Pronunciation Marks by Contributors in some selected Chariot Newspapers at the University of Buea
EN91The Impact of Audio-visual Aids on English as a Foreign Language
EN92Description of English Language Proficiency of level 500 students of the University of Buea who did Intensive English Language Course compare to those who did not
EN93The motivation of learners of the English language at the linguistic Centre Buea
EN94Francophone students’ Mastery of English Phonology: the case of level 400 and 500 Students in the department of English and French of the University of Buea
EN95The Role of the Teacher in English Language Learning the Case of Secondary School Teachers in Great Soppo Buea
EN96Vocabulary mastery and pedagogical problems faced by level 300 English language majors of the University of Buea
EN97Mastery of English Idioms by English language Major in the University of Buea
EN98The influence of Cameroon Pidgin English on the English language use of students
EN99The Use of Lexis in Cameroonian Movies: The Implication of Language Learning
EN100Students Perception of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in Ordinary Level English
EN101Description of English Language Proficiency of Students in the University of Buea
EN102Parents Social Status and the Proficiency of English Second Language Learners at the University of Buea
EN103Language and Social Behavior in School
EN104Assessing the Vocabulary Mastery of English Language Majors at the University of Buea
EN105Spoken English in Primary Schools; the case of class six pupils in government school Muea- Buea
EN106The Mastery of Spelling by the Language Proficiency Student Seeking Admission into the University of Buea
EN107The Influence of Secondary School Students’ Motivation by Teacher on Learners of the English Language Case Study: St. Theresa Holiday Classes
EN108The influence of Cameroon spoken English on spelling
EN109The Use of Punctuation and Mechanics by Forms Four and Five Students of Some Selected schools in the Buea Municipality
EN110English Language in Education, a Threat to African Native Languages. Case Study: The Mokpwe Language of the Bakweri People of the South West Region of Cameroon
EN111The use of stress patterns
EN112The impact of the use of English on the writing skills of ESL learners. Case study: College of Technology (200) at the University of Buea
EN113The Use of Dictionary In Teaching Writing and Speaking; the case of level 300 and 400 students of the English language department
EN114The demise of letter writing with level 500 English and French students at the University of Buea
EN115The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on English Language Learning at the University of Buea
EN116Language Interference: The English Language on the Bafaw language and the Bafaw language on the English Language
EN117Working out meaning in advertorials: The Semantic- Pragmatic Interface in Language used to Advertise Products in Cameroon
EN118The Morph-Implications of English Loan-Words from Africa
EN120The Impact of Art Education on Awareness Campaign Against HIV/AIDS in Secondary Schools in Cameroon North West
EN121The Representation of Persons with Disabilities in Selected African Fiction
EN122The use of ICT in the teaching and learning of oral English in secondary schools in the North West Region
EN123The Role of Home Environment in Second Language Learning
EN125Ambiguity and misunderstanding in written communication as a result of incorrect punctuation
EN127Parents-Teachers Cooperation and its Effects on the Academic Achievement of English Language Students in Secondary Schools in the Buea Municipality
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