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This study was designed to examine “employee’s satisfaction in relation with customer approach toward provided services by Mountain hotel Buea”. From the main Research Objective, four specific research objectives were formulated which were; to assess nature of organizational control in the hotel and its impact on employee satisfaction and customer service approach. The methodology of the study employs a survey research design with a questionnaire for employees with close and open-ended items and an interview guide for management staff used for collection of data. The target population was made up of employees and management staffs of the hotel and a purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents. A sample of 100 respondents was selected and they were selected because they are well placed to respond to the various research objectives of the researcher. The findings indicates that, majority of the respondent assessed the level of organizational control in the hotel such as hotel culture, policies and staff training and development has helped to promote employee satisfaction, efficiency and delivery. The respondents also identified major challenges such as the issue of lack of trained personnel and lack of some amenities that can promote staff efficiency and it was recommended that the hotels should provide such services and there should be in-service training to the staff and they should be given scholarship for further training in specific domains. This are some of the recommendations that can help sustain employee satisfaction at all times


Increasing emphasis has been paid to employee satisfaction in recent years by economists and policymakers. When it comes to measuring employee job satisfaction, economists have traditionally used subjective and attitudinal variables, although early articles found that job satisfaction was linked to a wide range of objective factors. Features of the job and the ability to foresee outcomes such as observations and resignations. ‘The wages are not paid by the employer, but rather by the employees themselves. Only the money is handled by employers. The salaries are paid for by the consumer” (, 2013). This statement was used by Henry Ford to underline the importance of a company’s customers. Customers are a company’s lifeblood, and without them, it would quickly go out of existence. Keeping clients pleased is a completely different skill set. Academics, managers, CEOs, and shareholders alike adopt a range of tactics to improve consumer satisfaction, often in the context of financial success. CRM is one of the most well-known methods for increasing customer loyalty (CRM). Under this management style, companies use a combination of strategies, technology, and e-commerce expertise to manage their client interactions. Ghavami, A., & Olyaei, A. (2006)

Importance of the topic

The findings of this study shall be significant to the management of mountain hotel, government or policy makers and to academicians. The findings of this study will help mountain hotel owners to make necessary changes in their service delivery and policies.

This work is worthy because the finding will help both managers that are involved in tourism business in Cameroon to acknowledge and understand the real needs and wants of their target market, to identify the gap between the expectations and the reality in the field and adjust their business accordingly in order to be more competitive in the market environment by delivery services that meet international standard.

The study will equally be important to the hotel managers because it will provide an in-depth analysis of organizational control strategies utilized in hotels. This information can subsequently be used to guide hotel managers towards more effective marketing strategies in the future

The results will help the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure to formulate policies that will regulate the sector and make hotels become more credible to their customers.  Likewise, policy makers like councilors, Parliamentarians and Senators may benefit from the work because the findings could open new avenues for them to conceive and deliberate on issues relating to hotel management and employee satisfaction with the customer care provided, viz-a-viz national and international norms. Using the findings of this research, academicians and scholars can contribute further into this topic. This final thesis therefore seeks to answer the following questions

  • Are employees satisfied with customer service approach in Mountain Hotel?
  • How effective is organizational control on service efficiency and employee job satisfaction?
  • What are the challenges faced in providing excellent control for excellent service delivery?
  • How can these challenges be overcome?

Research Problem

The problematic question here is whether

Having realized that all services delivery businesses has pre-set goals and objectives which are to satisfy the needs of the society at minimum cost and maximize profit. To do these is need to motivate its workers to put in the best, but this is not the reality in some Hotels in Cameroon especially Mountain Hotel. With my experienced as an internee in this Hotel, I am left to ask the problematic question: Are employees really satisfied with their job in relation to customer approach.

Object of the thesis: Employee’s satisfaction in relation with customer approach toward provided services by Mountain Hotel

Aim and objectives of the thesis:

The main aim of the thesis is to make an assessment of employee job satisfaction in relation to customer approach towards provided services at Mountain Hotel:

The specific objectives of this study include

  • To examine whether employees are satisfied with customer service approach in Mountain Hotel
  • To look at the effectiveness of organizational control on service efficiency and employee job satisfaction
  • To identify the challenges faced in providing excellent control for excellent customer service approach
  • To propose ways in which these challenges be overcome



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