Effect of Motivation on Employees Performance at CDC Group Banana Tiko

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The research was carried out to determine the “Effect of motivation on employee’s performance” in an organization, with a case study of the Cameroon Development Corporation. Specifically, the study looks at promotion, Housing allowance, Recognition and their effects on employee’s performance. Our research was based on the Regression model with questionnaires used for data collection in the field. The chi square was used to collect the data for this research. 50 questionnaires were used to collect data from employees of CDC Tiko Group Banana and it was illustrated on tables using the descriptive statistic. Based on the data collected during the research and after their analysis, we could conclude that; Recognition and Promotion has a positive effect on employee’s performance. After the data was analyzed, it was seen that the total percentage of agreed for our respondent for the analysis of promotion were superior to that of the total percentage of disagreed with a 28.6% and 18% indicating that there is a positive effect of promotion on employees performance hence, managers should keep on promoting effective employees to see that they produce better outcome.



Good recommendation has been found over the years to be one of those policies which the organization can adopt to increase their workers performance and thereby increase the organization productivity (Muogbo, 2013). Also, with the present global economic trend, most employers of labour have realized the fact that for their organization to compete favourable, the performance of their employees goes a long way in determining the success of the organization. On the other hand, performance of employees in any organization is vital, not only for the growth of the organization but also for the growth of individual employees (Meyer and Peng 2006). For employees to feel that their work matters, it is helpful for them to be part of the goal-setting process (Julie Zhuo, 2019).According to Pate (1998) the study of motivation is concerned basically with why people behave in certain ways. The basic underlying question is “why do people do what they do? Kovach (1980) states that, despite the numerous studies done on motivation, managers still are not close to understanding employees’ motivation than their colleagues more than fifty years ago. Having knowledge of performance and an up graded technology and enhancing skills on how to make workers put in their best. Recently, researchers and practitioners have paid increasing attention to employees job engagement (JE)(Bailey et,2017).Society since ancient times faced with a weak involvement of human resources in organizations. Therefore, motivating employees became today an important objective for organizations that wants to remain valuable in the market of today as the study goes on, we will evaluate how managers at CDC group banana motivate their employees. Our research will be based on the area of Tiko sub division amongst the workers of CDC Group Banana.

All these issues calls for research efforts, so as the bring to focus on appropriate reward package can jeer up or influence workers to develop positive attitude towards their job and thereby increase their productivity.


Motivation is about giving your staff the right mixture of guidance, direction, resources and rewards so that they are inspired and keen to work in the way that you want them to (Ludhans, 1992). Staff members are one of the most valuable assets. Motivated employees are more likely to stay and help build your business. Retaining motivated staff builds your business and also reduces the cost of recruitment and training. Mullins (2005) argues that effectively motivating employees is one of the most important functions of manager. There is evidence to show that organizations are facing challenges in retaining employees due to limited opportunities for advancement and the current competitive labour market. It doesn’t appear that things will get any better in the future. The loss of employees’ represents a loss of skills, knowledge and experiences which can create a significant economic impact and cost to corporations as well as impacting the needs of customers. Managers, who can motivate employees, assist the organization by improving employee retention. Every organization has its own human resource management culture and patterns, depending on the nature and manner in which they conduct their operations to achieve organizational goals. Most past research has shown motivation to have an effect on employee performance and hence over all organizational efficiency. However, the fundamental issue in this study is to find out the extent to which motivation affects the performance of employees amongst Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) workers. But there is the assumption that in most organizations, though employees work following their job descriptions, their performance is more often unsatisfactory than satisfactory. In this regard, this study will attempt to examine whether the unsatisfactory performance of employees in this company is due to limited or inadequate motivation measures to induce good performance. It will bring us into the assessment of the “effect of motivation on employees performance in CDC Group Banana Tiko”, taking into consideration the effect of Recognition on employees performance, the effect of Housing Allowance on employee’s performance and the extent to which Promotion affect employees performance .


The main objective of my study is the Effect of Motivation on Employees Performance at CDC Group Banana Tiko.


It is been gotten from the main research questions it includes:

  • To identify the effect of promotion on Employee’s Performance.
  • To determine the effect of housing allowance on employee’s performance.
  • Evaluating the effect of recognition on employee’s performance.
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