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The study is based on the effect of employee commitment on organizational performance. The study adopts the following object to determine the relationship between employees commitment and employees performance. To ascertain how Maslow’s hierarchy can enhance performance of an organization. The descriptive survey research was adopted and a sample size of 50. 50 quesesionnaire were administered to the respondent and 35 was returned which were used for data for Data. Three research questions was used for the study. The data for the study was gathered with a five point likert scale questionnaire. Analyses were made were made through the latest version of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) a wellknown software for the statistical data analysis, so that effective conclusion can be drawn. From the study, it was indicated employee’s commitment has effect in organizational performance and the findings shows that Maslow’s hierarchy increase performance. The study recommends that organization should provide motivation to employees for them to be motivated. These will provide good working environment to employees in which they will work easily and independently without any burden. Company should provide employee with clear career path and career development opportunities by giving them training, seminars and workshops and this will increase their performance in the organization

The importance of this study is to review on employee’s commitment can affect the performance of employees in the organization. After the finding in this research work. The result will be use to improve the current practice in organization in regard to how commitment employees are. The organization development have certain factors that improve sustainability of basis of effectiveness. The improvement in productivity leads to employees commitment as norms , values , and objectivity which help in improving organization performance.
1.1. Background to the study
Employee commitment can improve performance, reduces absenteeism, and turnover there by resulting in sustained productivity of an organization. Mowday, porter and steers, (1982) have shown commitment to organization is positively related to such desirable outcomes as motivation. According to Mathieu and Zajac (1990), Steers, Antecedents & Johnson (1977) and Rhodes et al. (1990) better attendance. Schuler and Jackson (1996) revealed that organization commitment could result in less turnover, absenteeism thus increasing organisation productivity. Steers (1977) noted that employees with high level of organizational commitment provide a secure and stable workforce.

Empl4oyees now have to reason like entrepreneurs while working in teams, and have to prove their worth. However, they also want to be part of a successful organization which provides a good income and the opportunity for development and secure employment (John and Elyse, 2010). John and Elyse 2010, state that a committed employee is one that will remain with the organization. Through the years, numerous research studies have been conducted to determine the accuracy of this statement. In the end many have concluded that committed employees remain with the organization for longer periods of time than those who are less committed (Scott,007). Commitment according to (Jaw and Liu, 2004) is not only a human relation notion but encompasses creating human energy and activating the human mind. Without commitment, the implementation of new ideas and initiatives will be compromised. John and Elyse,(2010) Commitment has also been defined as a psychological state that binds the individual to the organization (John,Meyer and Elyse , 2010). This binding force can be experienced in different ways that can be escorted by different mindsets including: an affective attachment and involvement with the target, a felt obligation to the target, and an awareness of the costs associated with terminating involvement with the target (Boxall and Macky, 2009).
Other authors stated that while reviewing employee commitment there is need to differentiate the complexity with which researchers have attempted to construct and view commitment as multi-faceted (Boxall and Macky, 2009). Researchers such as (Conway, Edel, Kathy and Monks, 2010), and (Owoyemi, Oyelere, Elegbede, and Gbajumo-Sheriff, 2011), propose one such conceptualization of commitment comprising three divisible components which include Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment and Normative Commitment. The researchers gave a brief description of the three, each of which reflects a unique underlying psychological state.
Employee commitment can improve performance, reduces absenteeism, and turnover there by resulting in sustained productivity of an organization. Mowday, porter and steers, (1982) have shown commitment to organisation is positively related to such desirable outcomes as motivation. According to Mathieu and Zajac (1990), Steers, Antecedents & Johnson (1977) and Rhodes et al. (1990) better attendance. Schuler and Jackson (1996) revealed that organisation commitment could result in less turnover, absenteeism thus increasing organisation’s productivity. Steers (1977) noted that employees with high level of organisational commitment provide a secure and stable workforce. That is providing competitive advantage to the organisation. Arturo, (2004) investigated and noted that productivity improvement depends on the organisations human capital which is knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes that reside in the individual employees of the organisation and its social capital that is trust, confidence, communication, cooperativeness and interaction, partnership, shared values teamwork etc.
1.2. Statement of Research Problem 

1.3 research objectives
1.3.1 Main objective

The main objective of this study is to analyse the extent to which employees commitment affect organisation performance in the buea municipal council.
1.3.2. Specific research objectives
To find out how Affective commitment influence organisation commitment
To investigate the effects of Continuance commitment on organization commitment
To examine the effect of normative commitment on organizational performance


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