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This research proposal was and to evaluate the effects of fivestar 325SC on the severity of black Sigatoka on banana0 in CDC. Banana is of high nutritional value since they are excellent sources of potassium with a single banana offering over 23% of potassium needed on daily basis. Banana is also an excellent source of vitamins including vitamin A, B6,C  and D. Banana is also an excellent food for people who want to lose weight. Although they are high in calories they are a great source of protein. (k.P. Sampath et al., 2017).  The objective of the research was to investigate on the effectiveness of Fivestar 325SC   over regular fungicides and Assess the impact of Fungicide Fivestar 325SC on the growth parameters of banana plant as a result various it was carried out at Tiko likomba specific at the CDC plantation and was focused at Benyoe.  Variable factors on banana such as number of leaves infected, leaves with necrosis were checked and the significance level was checked.  The effect of the fungicide was found to be significant



1.1  Background

Banana, with edible part belonging to the Eumusa section of the genus Musa, banana and plaintain are giant perennials herbs which originated in southeast Asia. The cultivated banana is often listed in botanical reference as Musa x paradisiaca (Musaceae), although it is actually a complex  hybrid  derived from two diploid Asian species, M. acuminate and M. balbisian Tfnet , (2016). Belonging to the order Scitamineae of the class Monocotylodonae.

One of the most important fruit crops of the world. All parts of the banana plant are of great importance and could be of vital use of different field of study. The flower can be used to cure bronchitis and dysentery and on ulcers; cooked flowers are given to diabetics. The astringent plant sap in case of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy and fever. The flowers can also be applied on hemorrhoids, insect other stings and bites.

Banana is of high nutritional value since they are excellent sources of potassium with a single banana offering over 23% of potassium needed on daily basis. Banana is also an excellent source of vitamins including vitamin A, B6,C  and D. Banana is also an excellent food for people who want to lose weight. Although they are high in calories they are a great source of protein.(k.P. Sampath et al., 2017).

Bananas are among the most traded fruits in the world. In 2017 alone 22.7 million tons of bananas representing almost 20% of the global production that year. With the value of that trade estimated to about 1121 billion CFA. According to FAO (2016), banana cultivation in Cameroon occupies 83,000 Ha in general with Industrial surface cultivation being 9,089 ha. ASSOBACAM (2016) indicates that themarket leader in Cameroon is La Compagnie Frutière which operates under the brand Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP) followed by the Cameroon Development Cooperation (CDC) and BOH PLANTATIONS LIMITED (BPL) being the third with respective surface areas of 4,500; 4,525 and 264 Ha According to FAO (2017) Cameroon is ranked 2nd in the world (4.54 million tons in 2017) in terms of plantain production and the first in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) zone] . Plantain consumption in CEMAC zone is very high as well as income generation for millions of people in these regions. The per capita consumption of plantain in Gabon and Cameroon is over 203 kg/person/year nowadays FAO (2012)] and was respectively 159 and 126 kg/person/year in 2012.

Banana is basically a tropical crop, grows well in a temperature range of 15◦C-35◦C with a relative humidity of 75%-85%. It prefers tropical humid lowlands and is grown from the sea level to an elevation of 2000m.

3.1  Problem statement

Banana is fundamental to Cameroon’s economy as it is the third most exported product after oil (40%) and raw log and sawn timber (15%). Mbodiam (2018) shares the view that, even though Cameroon stands as one of the major producers of banana in Africa, production over the years has significantly dropped. He further elucidates that this significant drop in banana production is caused by numerous factors such as poor weather conditions triggered by climate change coupled with pest and diseases such as Black Sigatoka Disease and Banana Toppling Disease. Friesen (2016) share the view that the Black Sigatoka Disease (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) and banana toppling disease caused by Radopholus similis are the most devastating diseases of banana leaves and roots respectively. The Black Sigatoka reduces the photosynthetic ability of banana leaves. Management of Black Sigatoka is currently almost completely dependent on frequent (weekly) fungicide treatments throughout the growing season usually up to 50 sprays annually (De Bellaire, 2010). (Arias et al., 2002) estimated the cost of fungicide control a 560500CFA/ Ha for large plantations which has significantly increased over the years. Additionally, the heavy use of fungicides as the primary means of disease management has resulted in resistance to several fungicides and nematicide classes reducing efficacy through the development of pesticide resistant strains. Apart from heavy cost of treatment of these diseases by the banana companies, several international certification organizations such as Fairtrade, International standard organization, Global Gap and rainforest who condition the sales of bananas in the world market advocate for complete fairness in respecting the labor law, protecting the environment and preserving the biodiversity in Agro-industries.

For this reason the need of effective and environmental friendly fungicides is needed. It is for this reason that this study is centralized on the usage of 5 star fungicides on the mitigation of Black sigatoka where by its natural and modified composition which were less subject to breakdown on the leaf surface by sunlight.

1.2  Justification of research

The fivestar fungiside has been found to be more environmentally friendly due to its modified composition and its resistance to breakdown makes it and interesting chemical to focalize on. As an attempt to investigate its effectiveness. While investigating on its effect on Black Sigatoka and on production levels. Vincelli P (2002) found that, in the United States it is considered by the Environmental Protection Agency to be reduced-risk pesticides. This means the fivestar fungicides compounds pose less risk to human health and/or the environment than alternative pesticides available.

  • Aim of study

From agronomic point of view

  • To increase effectiveness of fungicides and reduce cost of production by the use of Fivester 325SC

From economic points of view

  • To reduce cost of banana protection

From environmental point of view

  • Favor cyanobacterial growth through growth inhibition of eukaryotic competitors (Chlorophyta) and possibly by inhibiting cyanobacterial parasites (fungi).

  • Promote the use of ecofriendly chemicals in our societies

  • Increase the use of organic fertilizer

  • Reduce the exposure to toxic photo chemicals to the below and above ground biota

1.4  Objective

a.      Main objectives

The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of the Fungicide Fivestar 325SC on the severity of Black Sigatoka in CDC

  1. Specific objective
  • To investigate on the effectiveness of Fivester 32SC over regular fungicides
  • Assess the impact of Fungicide Fivester 32SC on the growth parameters of banana plant
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