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Accidental injuries are the most common cause of death in children over the ages of 1-5 years. Every year, many children are permanently disabled or disfigured because of home accidents. This study on the topic “assessment of mother’s knowledge on the prevention of home accident in children 1-5 years in the Mutengene health area” Tiko Health District.

The objectives of the study were to assess mother’s knowledge on the prevention of home accidents, to find out their knowledge on the different types of home accidents in children, to identify the challenges they face in the prevention of home accidents in children 1-5 years. This study was carried out from the period of January to April 2020.

A descriptive cross-sectional study design with mothers who had children1-5years who met the study criteria was carried out. Convenient sample technique to obtain data from the 96 mothers using a structured questionnaire which was designed according to the study objectives. Results of the study showed that 83% could define a home accidents as unintended injuries that occur at home affecting a child. 71% said it could be prevented by dry cleaning the floor and 72% could attest the challenge they face is that children play a lot.

With these findings, the researcher concluded that, though the majority of the mothers are knowledgeable on home accident causes and prevention more has to be done in their homes. The mothers have to, however, know the consequences of the home accidents if not prevented. With all of these, it is recommended that health talks on the different types of prevention and challenges faced in preventing home accidents be taught especially in hospitals where these mothers go for IWC and ANC visits.



1.0 General Introduction

Children are the most loved and important group of our population who are mostly dependent on mothers. Mothers are significant caregivers and responsible for the safety of children. A home accident is an unplanned or undesirable event that results in personal injury or property damage.

In Cameroon, Home accidents are a major cause of deaths and disability in and around homes and are one of the major health issues for centuries. An average of 62 children died each year between 2008-2012. These injuries result in an estimated 452,200 cases that visited the hospital and approximately 40.000 received emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year. In England, home-related injuries account for 8% of deaths of children aged 1-5years.

The majority of these injuries are preventable. This document explains the nature of the problems, including the frequencies and rates of deaths and injuries and the significance of deprivation. It also covers the awareness of families, health workers, and identifying means to make dwelling safer for children less than 5 years (Edwards et al., 2006).

In children 1-5year, some of the leading causes of injuries are; Burns, choking, ingestion, falls, drowning. In Cameroon, though the actual number of accidents and associated harms cannot be established, home accidents are greater than traffic and occupational accidents. This is because there are insufficient records and data from hospitals and it does not present all relevant figures (Tanir, 2012).

Every year, millions of children are permanently disabled or disfigured because of accidents in homes. Most injury-related deaths occur in low and middle-income countries where knowledge is limited regarding injury prevention hence supervision and awareness are necessary for the child to prevent a home accident (Peggy Sue et al., 2012)

Accidental injuries are a major health problem throughout the whole world. They are one of the most common causes of death in children over one year of age. Every year, they leave many thousands permanently disabled or disfigured. More than two million children under the age of 5 experience accidents in and around the home every year for which they are taken to accident and emergency units in the hospital.

Many more are treated by general practitioners and by parents and caregivers. On average, 62 children under the age of five died as a result of an accident and over 76000 under the age of 14 are admitted for treatment of which over 40% are under 5years of age. Those mostly at risk of home accident are 1-5years age group. Falls accounts for the majority of non-fatal accidents while the highest numbers of deaths are due to fires. Most of these accidents are preventable through increased awareness, improvement in the home environment, and greater product safety (Seigler et al.,.2010)

The most severe injuries in children are associated with heat-related accidents and fall from a height. Older children are most likely to sustain fractures than younger counterparts. Younger children have a higher percentage of burns and scalds as well as poisoning and ingestion accidents. The largest number of accidents happen in the living/dining room.

However, the most serious accidents happen in the kitchen and on the stairs. Every year more than 67000 children experience an accident in the kitchen-43000 of these are aged between 0-4 years, 58000 children have accidents on the stairs (Hamad et al., 2010).

1.1 Background

In England, home-related injuries account for 8% of deaths of children aged 1-5years. The majority of these injuries are preventable. This document explains the nature of the problems including the frequencies and rates of deaths and injuries and the significance of deprivation. It also covers the awareness of families, health workers, and identifying means to make dwellings safer for children less than 5years (Edwards et al., 2006).

Children lead into an injury because of their impulsiveness, curiosity, and the desire to use new skills and copy adult behavior from an initial age. According to W.H.O, in India, unplanned injury ranks 4th amongst the leading reasons for the death of children. The main cause of the home accidents is generally negligence of safety at home. This study aims at providing some strategies in preventing home accidents, first aid measures, and how to call for help or go about it (Sieger et al.,2010).

Every mother thinks that they are good mothers and takes great care in protecting children from any harm or dangers, yet there is one place where the child is more at risk than anywhere else and which is their home. No matter how careful their parents are, there will be times when the child is unsupervised. It takes only a second for a child to swallow something and choke.

Presently throughout the world, the rates related to childhood domestic accidents are becoming alarming and a serious public health problem because of the harm caused to the health of the children and their families. Some characteristics related to development vulnerability and curiosity predispose children to accidents. The occurrence of these accidents is due to a series of risk factors associated with education, living condition, and salary (Rev.Gaude Enfern 2010).

Some of the reasons why the home is most at risk are because of the long time that children spend there and also to environmental risk factors such as furniture with sharp corners, wet floors, unprotected cribs, toys scattered on the floors, and high beds (Saudi Colevita.2012).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Most children 1-5 years get disabled or die at an early age as a result of home accidents. More so, every year in Scotland, 1 child in 5 (approximately 200,000 children) are attended to by the emergency department following unintentional injuries (Kendrick et al., 2002). As a result, this study assesses the level of knowledge on the prevention and management of accidents among mothers under five years of age in children in the Mutengene Community.

1.3 Research Question

  1. What are the different types of home accidents in children 1-5years?
  2. What are the strategies used to prevent home accidents in children 1-5 years?
  3. What challenges do they face in the prevention of home accidents in children?

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective

To assess mother’s knowledge on the prevention of home accidents in children 1-5 years at the Mutengene Health Area

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

  1. To find out the different types of home accidents.
  2. To identify the different methods used by mothers to prevent home accidents in children.
  3. To identify the challenges faced by mothers in the prevention of home accidents.

1.5 Hypotheses

The home accident is one of the leading causes of deaths and disabilities in children 1-5 years in rural communities and low-income countries.

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