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The research was conducted to investigate sex difference in students’ academic performance in chemistry in Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin.

The sample comprises of the results of students of Colleges of Education Ilorin from 2004 – 2009 academic session.

These results were used to find the percentages differences in their distinction, credit, merit, pass.
It was observed that the male students performed better in the first two academic sessions while the female students performed better in the third academic session.
The shows that male students performed slightly better than their females counterparts.


Background to the Study
The Global perception about sex differences aid its implications on academic performance can not be underestimated. Various views of scholars has been stated to support or counter this statement.

Infarct it was said that the socio-economic background of any nation has a greater effect in female educational development than males (Margaret and Bllen, 2002).

It is on these reasons that this research project aim to study gender differences and its implication on academic performance of Chemistry students in accordance with chemistry education.
Chemistry education is described as a comprehensive term used to study teaching and learning of chemistry topics, the effective utilization of teaching aids and reactions of individuals to the changes in nature (Morreale, 2002).

Sex on the other hand can be described as a word used to described the nature of a person, animals or plants (Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 6th edition).

It is broadly described into male and female.

However, the status and conditions for developmental processes of an individual is not complete if education activities is not included.

This has become a standard statements agreed upon by various scholars in the educational industry.

Hence, Education according to Fafunwa (1984) is described as aggregate of all processes by which a child or an individual generate or develop the abilities, attitudes and all other forms of behaviors which are of positive values, to the society which he lives.

he totality of an individual regardless of gender inequality can be projected via education.

Hence, various philosophers and sociologists have define education as the acquisition of skills, knowledge, attitudes, abilities, values, competences and generally the acceptable behavior of the society to enable the individual live successfully and contribute to the development of the society.
It has been observed that educational pursuit in any contemporary society is practiced by both male and female.

This ignites the arguments of different people on gender differences as it is defined as certain physical dysfunction or yardstick between male and female.

Series of opinions were adopted by various people that there are significant differences between male and female.
Infract, it was said that the socioeconomic background of any nation has a greater effect in female educational development than males.

It was also said that the academic ability has a greater effect on the educational goal of a boy than a girl (Margaret and Ellen, 2002).
Not only that, different experts in the field in gender psychology has made us realize that there seems to be no observable difference in the academic performance of both male and female.
On the basis of mental comparism of the duo researches have shown that the rate of perception of information is more prominent in female than male but intellectually, there seems to be no significant dysfunctions between male and female (Heidi, 2007).

Be it as it may the difference between male and female has a greater influence in the re-integration of Education in our nation as it is known that education aims as making an individual a developed person (Commences, 2000).

The existence of both male and female also contribute differently to educational developments of any nation especially in higher institution of learning.

The difference can be traced or classified into physical, mental and behavioral differences.

It is on this opinions that the researcher has deemed it fit to examine the yardstick between male and female in relation to their academic performance in chemistry.

Statement of the Problem
In the ancient time, it is noticed that female education end up in her husband’s house. Only female has less contribution to the economy of the society.

(Men’s Health, 2007). Hence, they do not participate much in normal and female education.

It is a contrary view form today educational system where male and female learn under a single roof, where students who are ambitious funds their studies.

Generally it was suggested that more male aspire higher than female student.

From this statement it may be concluded that the high lead of aspiration by male student enable them to further their academic pursuit in various institutions of learning (Tiller, 2002).
It is on these note, that this research work will examine gender variable and its implication on academic performance of chemistry students.

Purpose of Study
It is a clear fact that male and female students learn under single umbrella in various institutions of learning but it has been discovered (Soyibo, 1994) that there are difference in male and female performance where this research shall be examined.
i. The significant difference between male and female students.
ii. Factors responsible for the difference
iii. Effects of their difference in their academic performance.
It will also suggest the ways in which the gap in the academic progress can be bridged.

Research Questions
i. Is there any significant difference between male and female?
ii. Does the difference affect their academic performance?
iii. Is there any significant factor that responsible for their academic performance?

Research Hypothesis
H0: There is no significant difference between male and female.
H1: Sex difference affect academic performance of students.
H2: There is significant factor that responsible for their academic performance.
Significance of the Study
The study under investigation will exposed the populace to a sharp difference which exist between male and female.

The factor between (internal and external) responsible for a diverse performance will also be considered. Possible solution to bridge the academic gaps will be suggested.
Ways of motivate the weaker ones in order to meet up the waker ones in order to meet up the challenges will also be suggested.

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