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My three months industrial training took place at the South West Regional Treasury (S.W.R_T) located at Clerks’ Quarter (Buea) adjacent to the Ministry of Basic Education. The purpose of this training was to enable me gain experience in the industrial field and to match theory with practice and also to know the practical nature of my specialty, the difficulties I had and some possible solutions.
The Treasury accts as the Government’s bank. The South West Regional Treasury Buea has seven services that work collectively towards a common goal which is to execute the state’s budget in revenue and expenditure.
However as a Regional Treasury, it controls and treats the accounts of Divisional and Sub Divisional treasuries_
Just like any other organization, the South West Regional Treasury has its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats



1.1 Definition of internship
An internship is a hands-on work experience in which students apply the principles they have learned in the classroom to a real world setting. An internship should be designed to meet the needs of the organization and learning goals of the students. It should have pre-set goals outlined by the employer and agreed upon between the employer and students to ensure all expectations
Internship is an opportunity to integrate career related experience into an undergraduate education by participating in a planned and supervised work. Internship also provides real world experience to those looking to explore or gain the relevant knowledge and skills required to enter into a particular career field. Internships relatively short term in nature with the primary focus on getting some on the job training and taking what’s learned in the classroom and applying it to the real world. Interns generally have a supervisor who assigns specific tasks and evaluates the interns overall work. Interns can be high school or university students or even adults interested in trying out a new career. Many university students do internships to gain relevant experience in a particular career field as well as to get exposure to determine if they have a genuine interest in the field. Internship is an excellent way to begin building those all-important connections that are
invaluable in developing and maintaining a strong professional network for the future_

1.2 Characteristics of Internship.
A good and effective internship has certain characteristics which include things like the period and the general organization as stated below:
An internship contributes to the student’s personal and professional development through challenging work assignments and it is completed before the student graduates from the university.
An internship should balance the work need of the organization and the learning goals of the interns.

Internships promote academic, career and/or personal development
Internships are distinguished from a short —term job or volunteer experience in that there is an intentional “learning agenda” structured according to the experience to be gained.
The duration may be anywhere from eight weeks to two years, but typically last the course of a semester.
Internships are planned and scheduled through consultation with the department or university so as fit into the undergraduate experience.
It involves a supervision component that is mentoring and educational. This supervision is carried out at the organization.
It includes career related experiences that complement what is learned in the classroom. This simply means matching theory to practical.

The student will have a reflection and evaluation process at the conclusion of the internship.
Internship is most successful when the student, the university and the employer all share responsibility in making it valuable experience.
In summary, an internship program should provide the student with meaningful work experience, and the employer with a qualified employee to carry out the work. An internship should not be created solely to carry out clerical and/or less desirable tasks, interns should be challenged by and learn from their internship in ways that contribute to their educational and career goals.

1.3 Objectives of internship.
The main objective of my internship is simply to match theory to practical and this will enable me to be ready for the job market.
Internship is also meant to help strengthen my professional skills and interpersonal relationships in a professional setting.

2To allow me to get acquainted with business practices and procedures used in various organizations.
To provide me with preliminary work experience that can prepare me for my future career. These are basically my objectives in carrying out this internship_

Importance of Internship.

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