The relationship between communication and organizational performance, a case study of the Limbe 1 Council

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International: $20
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Analytical tool
Descriptive statistics
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The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between communication and organizational performance with the case study of the Limbe1 council.

The objectives of this research were to examine the relationship between communication and organizational performance in the Limbe1 council, to know the methods of communication used in the Limbe1 council, to investigate the causes of poor communication in the council and to come out with the strategies of communication that can improve performance in the Limbe1 council, the study obtained information from twenty-five(25) respondents from workers of the Limbe1 council through the use of a questionnaire.

The questionnaires were analyzed through the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The researcher made use of tables and charts to analyze the data relating to the hypothesis to make the necessary interpretations. The study found that communication has a significant relationship with organizational performance in the Limbe1 council.

The study further discovered that the main cause of poor organizational performance is poor communication in the Limbe1 council. As such, the study recommended that the Mayor of the council should ensure that he communicates effectively with his subordinates; again, the council should employ more staffs so that the workload should also reduce, and with the help of the inferential statistics communication and organizational performance has a direct relationship.



1.0 Brief Introduction

This chapter treats the background of the study, aim of the study, specific objectives, hypothesis, significance of the study, the scope of the study and synopses.

1.1 Background of the study

Statistic has shown that without communication people will not be able to understand each other and this can lead to conflict in the organization. As seen in the introduction, communication is the key to everything, when communication did not exist, people use drums and town criers usually walk around the village to communicate information, and this message could not go to distant places, so communication came to ease transformation of information.

Communication in the Limbe1 council was the key to solve any problem faced while doing their job because they can speak out their grievances to their employer so they could be solved.

Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participant not only exchange information, news, ideas and feels but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people, in business, it is the key function of management.

An organization cannot operate without communication within levels, department and employee.

The history of communication years back to prehistoric times, with significant changes in communication technologies that are media and appropriate inscription tools. Communication can range from very subtle processes of exchanges to full conversation and mass communication.

The oldest known symbols created for the purpose of communication were cave painting, a form of art-rock, dating to the upper Paleolithic age. It is located within Chauvet cave, dated to 30000BC.

1.2 Problem Statement

Today’s communication is a very important ingredient in the world in general and the business environment in particular; communication plays a very important role to speak business success in a competitive environment. Organizations in a business environment, who want to achieve success and have a competitive advantage over their competitors, must have a strong communication channel.

Good communication channel will increase organizations customer and build a strong relationship. Communication is also known to increase commitment, performance, and good reputation. All over the world today, organizations face the problem of establishing communication channels to achieve their goals and objectives.

Every organization has its vision and mission, to attain them all, an effective communication channel needs to be set up to meet the vision and mission of the organization. When organizations fail to create effective communication channels, they will risk the chances of achieving a competitive advantage over their competitors.

Looking at an organization like HIBMAT, faced with a lot of problems such as establishing a good relationship with customers, retain customers due to ineffective channels of communication within the organization, the organization needs to set up measures to increase communication and make the role of communication effective.

The effective role of communication in HIBMAT had some bad effects on the organization such as low organizational productivity, the poor performance of some employees, redundancy, employee absenteeism, whistleblowing and turnover by some employees.

This is the greatest problem the organization is facing. To overcome these problems faced by the organization, it needs to establish a concrete and strong channel of communication within the enterprise. If the organization fails to do so and continue losing customers and other vital employees it will definitely be overtaken by its competitors and the company will be forced to lockdown.

1.3 Aim of the study

The aim of this study is to blend classroom work and practical fieldwork experience, which is a requirement by the University of Bamenda [UBa] for the award of bachelor of technology [B-Tech] in Human Resource Management

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

  • To examine the relationship between communication and organizational performance in the Limbe1 council.
  • To investigate the causes of communication in the Limbe1 council
  • To know the method of communication used in the Limbe1 council.
  • To come out with strategies of communication that can improve performance in the Limbe1 council

1.4 Research Questions

  • How does communication relate to organizational performance?
  • How can the method of communication be useful to the organization?
  • What is the dominant communication means in the Limbe1 council?
  • What strategies can the council adopt to enhance communication that can improve their performance?

1.5 Hypothesis

Ho communication has no relationship with organizational performance                                                                 

H1 communication has a relationship with organizational performance

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