The contributions of LUKMEF in addressing gender based violence in Buea

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Women and gender studies
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International: $20
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This project is based on the contributions of LUKMEF in addressing Gender Based Violence in Buea. It will focus specifically on how non-government organization (NGO) LUKMEF respond to this problem and evaluate whether the outcomes of their responses are affected by the level of engagement by the survivors of gender based violence.

The main aim for doing this project is to determine the contributions of LUKMEF in addressing GBV in Buea; we have GBV like rape, forced marriages, physical and sexual assault, emotional abuse and many more.

There is a high prevalence of Gender-based violence in Buea that has led to many contributing factors including poverty, unemployment, and alcohol, drug abuse all these factors has made LUKMEF to address this issues in various ways such as carrying activities of sensitization, seminars, workshops and media( TV and Radio) all these have contributed in addressing GBV in Buea.



The principal characteristics of gender-based violence is that it occurs against women precisely because of their gender, GBV involves power imbalances were most often, men are perpetrators and women the victim. During this session, we will examine the background of the study, statement of the problem, the objective of the study, limitation of the study, the significance of the research and definition of terms.


In most cultures, traditional belief, norms and social institutions legitimize and therefore perpetuate violence against women. According to a 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) report on violence against women, about 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and /or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner violence in their lifetimes.

In addition, a staggering 45.6% of women 15 years and older in Africa have experienced intimate partner violence (physical and/or sexual) or non-partner sexual violence or both, the highest prevalence in the world (WHO, 2013: 26).

GBV includes physical, sexual and psychological violence such as domestic violence; sexual abuse, including rape and sexual abuse of children by family members, forced pregnancy, sexual slavery, traditional practices harmful to women such as honours killing, burning or acid throwing, female genital mutilation, dowry-related violence, violence in armed conflict, such as murder and rape, emotional abuse such as coercion and abusive language, Trafficking of women and girls for prostitution, forced marriage, sexual harassment and intimidation at work are additional examples of Violence Against Women (VAW).(source: Prevention of Domestic Violence and trafficking in human beings, 2001)

GBV occurs in both the ‘private’ and ‘public’ sphere such violence not only occurs in the family and in the general community but is sometimes also perpetuated by the state through policies or the actions of the state such as the police, military or immigration authorities.GBV happens in all societies, across all social class, ethnicity, race with women particularly at risk from men they know. However, GBV is not exclusively a woman’s concern it is both causes and consequence of gender perceptions. (Prevention of domestic violence and trafficking in human beings, 2001)

The use of the term GBV provides a new context in which to examine and understand the phenomenon of VAW.It shifts the focus from women as victims to gender and the unequal power relationships between women and men created and maintained by gender stereotypes as the basis underlying cause of VAW.

The high prevalence of GBV is a multi-dimensional issue with many contributory factors including patriarchal constructions of gender roles within society, poverty, unemployment, alcohol and substance abuse and increasing numbers of transactional sexual relationships.( Commission for Gender Equality 2009:19).

 In response to the problem of gender-based violence many non-government organizations. (NGOs) have sought to design and implement interventions that address the problem. NGOs use particular strategies, how they engage with the survivors of gender-based violence and the effect of any engagement on the success of such strategies will be seen in this study.( International Journal of Human Rights 16(3), pp489-516).

 In terms of how NGOs operate in relation to the problem of gender-based violence, all these programmatic responses should address (one or all of these areas; 1) the needs of the victims, 2) the social valves that justify violent behaviour towards women, and 3) the socio-legal system charged with protecting the rights of the4 innocent and sanctioning the guilty. Based on this, NGOs focuses on areas such as lobbying and advocacy strategies, raising awareness and service provision in order to mitigate GBV. (1992:20).

The role of the nongovernmental organization working in the field of women’s human rights, in the country can be traced with the help of evaluating the contribution of a few NGOs.Women organizations working in the country are a few and rendering a variety of services ranging them counselling, shelter homes to that of dealing with the public interest by giving legal aid. Few examples of NGOs at present are LUKMEF Cameroon a peace and non-violence intervention agency for women and children in Buea that works on cases of sexual assault, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse and domestic abuse.

We also have REACHOUT (REO) –is a women and youth-centred nongovernmental organization located at the Moki’s Garage shop in Buea which supports underprivileged groups within the communities on health issues, wealth creation and provides capacity building and information through the use of participatory approaches and advantage.

The NGOs involved in the emancipation of women provide various services to the victims in the form of shelter, medical assistance, conciliation, counselling, financial or entrepreneur assistance legal aid.


The high prevalence of gender-based violence is a multi-dimensional issue with many contributing factors, including patriarchal construction of gender roles within society, poverty, unemployment, alcohol, and substance abuse and increasing numbers of transactional sexual relationships (Commission for Gender Equality 2009:19). These is the various reasons for the progressive increasing rate of different forms of women rights violation. Unfortunately despite of the great percentage of GBV in all its forms and women rights violations in many cases the victims never speak out to stand for their right nor the society stands for them or admit with their rights even if the law does. Many steps can be taken to support victims of GBV, NGOs have the potential to end violence by getting involved in research, advocating for policy, reform, addressing GBV through reproductive health and humanitarian relief programs, educating men and boys about gender equity, shifting attitudes about violent behaviour, working with spiritual and cultural leaders and reaching out to the most vulnerable population. Some NGOs like LUKMEF, women’s organizations and advocacy organization at the local, national and global levels have played an important role in addressing GBV.

1.3 Main research question

This study intends to evaluate the contributions of LUKMEF in addressing Gender Based -Violence

1.4 Specific research question

  • What is the current situation of GBV?
  • What are the reasons for GBV?


1.5.1 General objective

 The main objective of this study is to determine the contributions of LUKMEF in addressing gender –based violence in Buea.

1.5.2 Specific objectives

  • Clearly, investigate the different activities been carried out by LUKMEF.
  • That is, by identifying the different kinds of GBV faced by women and girls in Buea.
  • In order to evaluate the roles of NGOs in addressing gender- based violence.
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