If you study to remember, you will forget. But if you study to understand, you will remember
This 4 easy ways to study better will help students in Cameroon and in the world. Different students learn better in different ways, and it’s important to find a way to study that works best for you. Here are some things that you can try to help you study better.
Make a plan
Decide when, where and for how long you are going to study. If you decide what you need to get done every time you study, then it will be easier to achieve your goals. Also, if you do smaller amounts of work regularly, you won’t have the stress of needing to cram everything just before an important exam.
Test yourself on what you’ve learned
After you read something, you should test yourself on it. And instead of just doing it once, do it often. Try to test yourself days and weeks after you first learn something to make sure you really remember it. You can also work with a friend to test each other. Apply this 4 Easy Ways to Study Better and you will succeed in your exams
Take a break
Research has shown that taking breaks can help you work or study better. A study by the company DeskTime found that the most productive people work for about 52 minutes at a time, then take a 17-minute break in between. So when making your study plan, don’t forget to include breaks in it.
Stay healthy
Getting exercise and sleeping well can actually help you study. Research has found that regular exercise can improve both memory and thinking skills, while sleeping helps the brain save new information. Apply this 4 Easy Ways to Study Better and you will succeed in your exams
Other studying and research strategies styles

Other 4 easy ways to study better will be stated below. Developing a research schedule is a vital way to efficiently allocate your time so that all work on the courses or subjects can be done before the review dates and evaluations are completed. Below is an example of a study preparation approach you can use to schedule your time month after month to ensure that you are spacing your studying using multiple study methods.
Research Technique Styles
This is a list of numerous methods that can be used to boost the revision performance as part of a separate revision plan:
Learning: the reading of scholarly texts related to your subject is an important aspect of many degree courses, but time consuming. Ensure that you read the document long ahead of time to revise it
Note-taking: Successful note-taking is the secret to beginning any good project and using time to make valuable notes can benefit you in the long run of the appraisal. The trick to making good notes is to make sure you’re not merely re-writing what the author said! Cornell Note Method is a nice way to use for making notes, so if you want to brush up on your note-taking technique, take a look at this My Learning Basics Note Reading resource. Apply this 4 Easy Ways to Study Better and you will succeed in your exams
Focusing on what knowledge you already know, want to know and what you’ve learned (also known as the KWL technique) is a good way to review what point you’re at in studying the subject. Putting this forward some time to fix the revision will help you ensure that the time is invested correctly.
Community Study: Learning as a group is a perfect way to help your colleagues and to figure out what you may be grappling with. It’s easy to underestimate about how much we can learn from each other! If you want some quick top tips and tutorials on any course at your university, click here.
Typed notes
Re-writing or summarizing your notes by printing them out is one way to re-write the contents of lectures and seminars that you might have handwritten.
Mind-mapping will help you make associations between different ideas within a topic. By increasing your imagination, it can be used as a tool to help you create new strategies, recognise relationships, and eventually enhance memory and retention. Apart from these 4 easy ways to study better, you can contact our team for more tips
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