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Banso boy

11 reasons why you should Date and Marry a Banso Boy

Author: Mirabel

This article titled 11 reasons why you should date and Marry a Banso Boy is written based on experience. After dating a banso boy for 5years, i came out with the following reasons why you should date and marry a banso boy

They are smart

Banso boys rarely admit they know everything. In fact, they know very well that they don’t know a lot. They have a love for reading, mostly because they have a whole lot of love for learning. They are very intelligent and strive to always be at the top wherever they find themselves.

While some guys are usually more brainy than others, the smarter the guy, the less likely he is to be unfaithful. Analysis has found that smart men are more likely to get married and stay married.Banso boys are likely to possess a high level of self-control. In fact, this self-awareness is what allows them to focus primarily on their goals.

So if you’re concerned about settling down or dating a boy, go for a Banso boy. And if you are concerned that he may be too brainy for you, don’t be intimidated because he’s smart.Be rest assured that you have a guy who’s more likely to be obedient to your side.

2. They are loving and caring

You have to bear with me that Banso guys are the most caring guys in the whole of Cameroon and worldwide. They know how to make a woman feel special. They always find the slightest opportunity to praise their spouses for no reason. That’s just a way of making them feel loved. They can cook for the world. They cook for their spouses when are not feeling well. There is never a dull moment with a Banso guy.

3. Hardworking and committed

Banso men are very hardworking and committed in whatever they want to do. Wherever they go, they always distinguish themselves by working hard to make it in life with or without the support of anyone. They are exposed to so many things in life, and as such find themselves doing things they’ve never done before perfectly well. They know how to take care of a woman.

4. They know how to keep a woman company

Having someone that can make you laugh is crucial. Banso boys know what things to talk to a girl to keep her company. They spend quality time with their love ones

5. Positively promote your career

Some husbands are major drivers in two-thirds of women’s decisions to leave their jobs, mostly because they feel it is their responsibility to raise their children, but same men refuse to adjust their own work schedule promising to do more to help their wives look ahead.

A Banso boy wants everything that will make his woman happy. if his wife decides that working makes her happy, then he will gladly let her work. They love supportive women. They strive to promote women empowerment and gender equality.

Equally Banso men support their wives by encouraging them to focus on their careers while taking care of the family.

6. They do as much work for your friends and relatives as you do with their family.

It’s not rare for a woman to end up giving up her own social life as a slot for her new man. But it’s unusual for a guy to do the same thing after he steps into a relationship. But with Banso guys, this is obvious. They can sacrifice everything just to keep the one they love happy always. They are always interested to know all those related or close to the one they love.

So make sure you’re with a guy who not only wants you to make time to meet your mates, but also makes an attempt to get to know them.

7. They are emotionally intelligent

Banso boys are sensitive to people’s feelings. Banso men can decode or discern other people’s needs and feelings. This is what makes them emotionally intelligent.

Empathy has long been the core component of emotional intelligence. This is typically why Banso men are interested in meeting new people and learning more about them.If stereotyping is to be believed, it is women who are still desperate to chat about emotions and only men who fell hard. Although this is certainly not real, it is important that each person in a relationship has a certain degree of emotional intelligence.

Banso men take better care of their partner’s thoughts and beliefs which are important for a stable relationship.

8. They share other’s views and listen to what they’ve got to say

Being closed-minded is not a characteristic that is unique to a single gender, so if a man is persuaded that he is always correct and that he can never hear your point, that is not a positive indication. A Banso guy is a good listener. He listens to others views and tries to buy them. He does not see himself as always correct, which is why he is unique.

9. They Sacrifice

Mostsuccessful relationships are not down to compatibility, but rather making the relationship work. A Banso guy is ready to put his job at risk just to save his relationship. This is touching as no other man can sacrifice this much for a woman.

Similarly, a Banso man can sacrifice all he’s got, hi life inclusive just to ensure the safety of the one he loves and cherish. They value nothing more than love.

10. They celebrate your success wholeheartedly.

In life, not everyone is happy for the success of others. Banso people have put a question mark on this statement. They are always happy for the success of others which is why they are equally successful in life.

Whether it’s killing your body weight or learning enough German for a trip to Germany, it’s important to have a partner who honors your accomplishments.But this isn’t just to make you feel great.  Couples who do so are more satisfied with their relationships than those who react negatively or are indifferent.

11. They share their beliefs

A similar perspective on life may be key to a good relationship. The closer your attitudes are, the more likely you are to solve challenges in the same manner.

Husband and wife will have common attitudes to anything from socializing to working, if the goals are the same, and this is likely to lead to a higher quality of work. Banso guys have these characteristics.

Of course, if your boyfriend doesn’t have any of the aforementioned characteristics it doesn’t mean you’re going to have to leave him right away-we’re all looking for different things in a partner and a partnership, after all. But if he crosses any of these boxes, he could be one to hang on to like a Banso guy.


All in all, marrying a Banso man should be the priority of any woman who intends to marry because they are virtually the best in all domains. It is true that the beauty of a man is not what you see physically but what is inside of him, his attributes. Marry a Banso man and live the happiest married life ever.

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